Hardware/Software Survey Let's collect from prospective software students information about their hardware/software needs. Find out who need a loner, etc...
Install and setup day Walk through procedure to get tools/python installed, etc... Need to update documents for this, and practice it on a few platforms
Introduction to Python
Preliminary Schedule (Subject to change):
Week 1: Get to know people, setup/download programs (visual studio code, github, python3, slack), Basic python syntax (variables, print, input), Hello World, Have people start using Codecademy
Week 2: More basic python syntax (lists, other data types, conditions, comments), Some logic(if/else) (true/false), Basic naming conventions, Calculate age program, Simple madlibs program,
Week 3: Basic Debugging (give some buggy programs to fix), Advanced python syntax (functions, more logic, loops, imports), Clean code, caesar/vigenere cipher
Week 4: Tests/Advanced Debugging, Advanced naming conventions, Documentation, Hangman
Week 5: Classes and objects(hopefully), Hangman (cont)
Week 6: Actual robot code?
Week 7: Actual robot code
Week 8: Actual robot code