Factland is a new way to sort fact from fiction. It pops the social and information bubbles that prevent people with different beliefs from talking with each other online and forming a consensus on important issues of our time.
When you see something on social media that looks fishy or just interesting, post it on Factland. Anyone can share evidence to support or refute the claim and comment on the case.
Use Factland tokens to bet on whether the claim is true or false. The bigger the bet, the bigger the prize.
If a bet grows large enough, an anonymous jury is randomly selected to review the claim and issue a verdict based on the evidence gathered. As a member of the Factland community, you may be asked to join a jury from time to time.
You can submit a claim on factland.org by clicking the 'Report' button and filling out the submission form. We recommend writing your title as a question. Once you file your claim, including a link to the source, we recommend you submit additional evidence to support it.
You can also share links to Factland using the share button on any social media app or Web page and emailing [email protected].
What happens when a jury issues a verdict? The claim under review on Factland is labeled 'True', 'False', or 'Undecided'. If the claim involves a statement on social media, a comment will be sent to the author announcing the decision as a reply.
Bets are paid out based on the size of the prize and the amounts wagered. Other activities are also paid at this time, such as serving on a jury or submitting evidence that was cited by a juror in their decision.
Factland is adversarial by design. The bigger the disagreements, the better it works.
Factland uses cutting edge anonymity technology to ensure jurors cannot be bribed, intimidated or otherwise tampered with.
Factland provides incentives to ensure its fact-checking community is demographically representative of the United States as a whole and judgments are not biased to one group or another.
You will have an opportunity to serve on a jury yourself and observe the process first hand. If you don't like a verdict, you can appeal it.
Factland distributes cryptocurrency tokens for betting and payment for other activities, such as serving on a jury and sharing evidence that is cited by a juror in issuing a verdict. These tokens currently have no market value but may in the future.
All successful bets pay a dividend based on the size of the prize and the amount staked. Losing bets forfeit the tokens staked.
Factland uses the Internet Computer Internet Identity to authorize users anonymously and securely and store Profile data.
Factland uses the Internet Computer to construct and serve certified blockchain data which can be verified.
Factland uses the Internet Computer secure and unpredictable random number capability to select random juries and uses the certified blockchain capability to record jury selections in a canister smart contract..