npm install
// for deployment
export PRIVATE_KEY=<private key>
npx hardhat test
with coverage report
npx hardhat coverage
with gas report
REPORT_GAS=1 npx hardhat test
npm run lint
npm run format
See docs for more information.
Generate docs
npx hardhat markup
The initial deployment of the contracts is done using the create-*
scripts. The upgrade-*
scripts are used to upgrade the contracts.
For convenience, the create-all
script will deploy and verify all contracts.
echo "BLOCK_STORAGE_ADDRESS=0xf7E0CF7453ac619fD64b3D46D7De3638510F15eA" >> .env
echo "SFC_LIB_ADDRESS=0xFC00FACE00000000000000000000000000000000" >> .env
source .env
npx hardhat run scripts/create-all.ts --network x1-testnet
# add the env variables to .env
source .env
npx hardhat verify $VOTE_MANAGER_ADDRESS --network x1-testnet
npx hardhat verify $XENIUM_ADDRESS --network x1-testnet
npx hardhat verify $XUNI_ADDRESS --network x1-testnet
npx hardhat verify $SUPER_BLOCK_ADDRESS --network x1-testnet
npx hardhat verify $TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS --network x1-testnet
Upgrade vote manager
npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade-vote-manager.ts --network x1-testnet
Upgrade xenium
npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade-xenium.ts --network x1-testnet
Upgrade xuni
npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade-xuni.ts --network x1-testnet
Upgrade Superblock
npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade-super-block.ts --network x1-testnet
Upgrade token registry
npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade-token-registry.ts --network x1-testnet