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Personal customizations and settings for MailMate, "The email client for the rest of us"

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Version Licence Gittip By Falkor

   Time-stamp: <Wed 2015-11-11 22:43 svarrette>

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                                                                                                        __/ |
   Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastien Varrette <[email protected]>

Sebastien Varrette aka Falkor's MailMate Customizations and Settings


This repository holds Sebastien Varrette aka Falkor's MailMate Customizations and Settings. After trying many (beautiful) Mail clients under Mac OS (Mac Mail, PostBox, Airmail and Unibox), and despite the efforts made over the official Apple Mail Application to make it handy and useful with the combination of GPGTools, I hardly met a mail client as powerful as MailMate.

MailMate is an IMAP email client for Mac OS X featuring extensive keyboard control, Markdown supported email composition, advanced search conditions and drill-down search links, equally advanced smart mailboxes, automatic signature handling, cryptographic encryption/signing (OpenPGP and S/MIME), tagging, multiple notification methods, alternative message viewer layouts including a widescreen layout, and much more. Screenshots

MailMate is relatively expansive ($49.99, with a free fully functional 30-day trial period) but honestly it worth the price. And the developper Benny Kjær Nielsen is ultra responsive to all possible requests/issues/wishes etc. you might suggest.

So you'll find here:

If your lazy and wish to use these settings blindly, just follow the Installation notes below.

MailMate Layouts

By default, MailMate offers five Layout/Views -- see the MailMate > View > Layout menu. You can add your own custom layouts in

~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Resources/Layouts/Mailboxes/

You must restart MailMate to make the layout available.

Note: You may need to create the Layouts/Mailboxes folder if you don't already have one. See Installation below.

You will find in this repository the following custom layouts I personally like:

Correspondence Arcs 1

by Max Masnick, see Layouts/Mailboxes/conversation_thread_arcs.plist. My favorite I use every day which looks like that:

Correspondence and thread arc views

'Correspondence Arcs 2' and 'Correspondence Arcs (Widescreen)'

by Chauncey Garrett, see Layouts/Mailboxes/correspondence-arcs*.plist

Correspondence Arcs, with hidden sidebar Correspondence Arcs (Widescreen)

Key bindings

Once of the killing feature of MailMate is the complete freedom left to configure custom key bindings. You can configure your own ones in a <name>.plist file to be placed in:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings

Then configure MailMate to use it using the MailMate > Preferences > General panel (fill <name> in the Custom Key Bindings fields and enable it). You must restart MailMate to make the key bindings effective.

Note You may need to create the KeyBindings folder if you don't already have one. See Installation below.

File Description
Falkor.plist My personal key bindings detailed here


Mailmate user customizations are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources. If you don't have any customizations, I'll suggest doing this:

$> mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Resources
$> git clone ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Resources

Now, relaunch MailMate and

  1. Enable the Falkor key binding in the preferences pane (MailMate > Preferences > General > Custom Key Bindings > Enable and fill the box with Falkor)
  2. Select your favorite layout using the MailMate > View > Layout menu.

You'll need to restart again MailMate to make the bindings effective.

Issues / Feature request

You can submit bug / issues / feature request using the Falkor/MailMate Tracker.

Developments / Contributing to the code

You are more than welcome to contribute to its development by sending a pull request.

This assumes the following actions:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your own feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

You just need to be aware in this case of the way I traditionally organize my repositories.

The Git branching model for this repository follows the guidelines of gitflow. In particular, the central repository holds two main branches with an infinite lifetime:

  • production: the production-ready branch
  • master: the main branch where the latest developments interviene. This is the default branch you get when you clone the repository.

Thus you are more than encouraged to install the git-flow extensions following the installation procedures to take full advantage of the proposed operations. The associated bash completion might interest you also.

Releasing mechanism

The operation consisting of releasing a new version of this repository is automated by a set of tasks within the root Makefile.

In this context, a version number have the following format:



  • < major > corresponds to the major version number
  • < minor > corresponds to the minor version number
  • < patch > corresponds to the patching version number
  • (eventually) < build > states the build number i.e. the total number of commits within the master branch.

Example: `1.0.0-b28`

The current version number is stored in the root file VERSION. /!\ NEVER MAKE ANY MANUAL CHANGES TO THIS FILE

For more information on the version, run:

 $> make versioninfo

If a new version number such be bumped, you simply have to run:

  $> make start_bump_{major,minor,patch}

This will start the release process for you using git-flow. Once you have finished to commit your last changes, make the release effective by running:

  $> make release

it will finish the release using git-flow, create the appropriate tag in the production branch and merge all things the way they should be.


This project and the sources proposed within this repository are released under the terms of the GPL-3.0 licence.



Personal customizations and settings for MailMate, "The email client for the rest of us"






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