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Merges & Cherry-Picks From EE up to 2025-01-24 #505



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@Mnemotechnician Mnemotechnician commented Jan 24, 2025


This merges all of upstream changes up to but not including the blood cult, leaving us only 2 months behind EE (with the latest merged commit dating back to 2024-11-22). This includes the following upstream PRs:

  • Power Attack (wide swing) updates and fixes (#1238) and power attack rate fix (#1252) (reverted, see maint chat).
  • The Great Loadout Reorganising (#1230).
  • Loadouts V4 #1164, cherry-picked out-of-order. (excluded, we will get to that later. It's straight up unusable in its current state)
  • Trait tweaks: renamed of wizden traits #1260 and the addition of PushMarkup and AddArmor trait functions #1253, which should in theory fix the structural damage bug with dermal armor.
  • Anomaly scanner data copying #1250.

The following changes should already be merged into floof:

  • The piercing damage naming fix.
  • The buff of newmed topicals.

The following changes have been performed floofstation-side:

  • Migrated and reorganized floofstation loadouts based on the new hierarhy (the 1200 lines long service.yml is no more, yippie)
  • Coincidentally rooted out and fixed the bug with random humanoids all having the default placeholder humanoid appearence (ERT, deathsquad, nukies, travelling chefs/clowns, disaster victims, and the like)





  • add: Merged a number of QOL changes and fixes from upstream.
  • fix: Fixed random humanoids all having the default placeholder humanoid profiles.

angelofallars and others added 27 commits November 18, 2024 10:19
# Description
QoL updates to improve the stamina management experience with power
- The stamina cost of an object's power attack can be revealed by
examining its damage values.
- Power attacks can't be done if your stamina is too low, so you can't
accidentally stamcrit yourself with power attacks anymore.
- **Nerf:** Power attacks now cost stamina even without hitting
- Prevent power attacks from showing a blue visual effect on the
character who attacked due to stamina damage.

## Media


**Damage Examine**


## Changelog

:cl: Skubman
- add: The stamina cost of an object's power attack can now be revealed
by examining its damage values.
- tweak: Power attacks can't be done if your stamina is too low, so you
can't accidentally stamcrit yourself with power attacks anymore.
- tweak: Power attacks now cost stamina even without hitting anything.
- tweak: Prevent power attacks from showing a blue visual effect on the
character who attacked due to stamina damage.
# Description

Small oversight that Glimmer Wisps are generally described as drinking
their victim's soul and obliterating their entire personhood. Which is
fundamentally just mindbreaking said person. So this PR makes it so that
Glimmer Wisps killing a psion also inflicts the Mindbroken condition on

# Changelog

- add: Glimmer Wisps now completely obliterate their victim's
Personhood, inflicting the Mindbroken condition on them.
# Description

This was entirely too long overdue. I am reorganizing the entirety of
all ingame loadouts, so that it is possible to see what jobs are
actually missing loadout items. Every job in the game will have its own
loadout tab, each of them all sharing the same organization hierarchy
with *plainly visible blank spaces* that people can use to see what jobs
are in need of having things added to them.

Command category only contains Captain, Head of Personel, with space for
Centcomm roles and Blueshield if we ever add those. Instead all of the
"Department Specific Commands" are sorted with their respective
departments. Which makes it really obvious if for instance there's an
entire 2nd list of Head of Security drip...


- [X] All of the Categories
- [x] Localize the categories
- [x] Make item groups for everything

## Organize Command

- [x] Captain
- [x] Head Of Personnel

## Organize Engineering

- [x] atmos tech
- [x] CE
- [x] senior engineer
- [x] station engineer
- [x] tech assistant

## Organize Epistemics
- [x] acolyte
- [x] cataloger
- [x] chaplain
- [x] golemancer
- [x] mystagogue
- [x] mystic
- [x] noviciate
- [x] psionic mantis

## Organize Logistics

- [x] cargo tech
- [x] courier
- [x] LO
- [x] salvage

## Organize Medical

- [x] chemist
- [x] CMO
- [x] doctor
- [x] medical intern
- [x] paramed
- [x] senior physician

## Organize Security

- [x] cadet
- [x] corpsman
- [x] detective
- [x] HOS
- [x] secoff
- [x] senior officer
- [x] warden

## Organize Service

- [x] bartender
- [x] botanist
- [x] chef
- [x] clown
- [x] janitor
- [x] lawyer
- [x] mime
- [x] musician
- [x] reporter

## GUH

- [x] Add literally everything we are missing
- [x] Do literally all of the Job specific Item Groups


![Example Media Embed](


# Changelog

- fix: Reorganized Loadouts so that all Jobs now have their own job
specific tabs. The code for them has been thoroughly reorganized too,
such that figuring out which jobs are missing crap is way easier to do.
- add: Captain's Personal Weapon loadout category. Currently only
contains a choice between the antique laser pistol, or a pulse pistol.
Whichever choice is made will be used as a target for a traitor


Signed-off-by: VMSolidus <[email protected]>
# Description

This fixes some stupid math. Power attacks are now correctly slower than
left clicks. Previously they were faster.

# Changelog

- fix: Power Attacks now correctly apply a penalty on swing speed, and
are no longer faster than left clicking.
# Description
Converted the descriptions of most wizden traits to a more formal and
roleplay-oriented style, also clarifying some aspects of other traits in
the process.


- [ ] Test this


# Changelog
- tweak: Tweaked the descriptions of most Wizden traits to be more vivid
and descriptive.


Signed-off-by: Mnemotechnican <[email protected]>
# Description

This PR effectively "Reworks" several of the Bionic Traits through use
of new modular TraitFunctions. These being,

**TraitPushDescription**: Ensures that an entity has the new
ExtendDescriptionComponent, then writes to said component.
ExtendDescriptionComponent serves as a new highly modular "One stop
shop" for any system wanting to add text to the shift-click examine
window. It even accepts arguments for text color, font size, and whether
or not a person must be standing within touching distance to "See" the
provided texts. It accepts arbitrarily any number of descriptions.

**TraitAddArmor**: This takes advantage of a new functionality for the
DamageableSystem, whereby entities are able to have more than one
DamageModifierSet. This allows arbitrarily any number of traits to add
as many modifier sets as desired, without fear of any compatibility
issues. These can be both negative and positive, and as Skubman has
pointed out, this can also be used to create negative traits that make a
character more vulnerable to a given damage type!

Additionally, most of the Bionics Traits have been reworked. CyberEyes
has been split into two modules, one for the base implant, and one for
the Flash Protection. Dermal Armor has been reworked using
TraitAddArmor, so that it no longer replaces your original modifier set,
and instead stacks multiplicatively with whatever your original species
modifier set was. Thus, it can now be taken by any species.








# Changelog

- add: Five new functions for the Trait System, AddArmor,
PushDescription, ModifyMobThresholds, AddSolutionContainer, and
- tweak: CyberEyes Basic System has been split, now Flash Protection is
a separate module.
- add: Dermal Armor no longer replaces your original species damage
resistances. It now stacks multiplicatively with your original
- tweak: Dermal Armor can now be taken by any species, not just Humans.
- add: Dermal Armor, and Bionic Arms can now be revealed by a close
examination. Shift click on someone within touching distance will reveal
if they have these "Obvious" cyberware.


Signed-off-by: VMSolidus <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Remuchi <[email protected]>
# Description
Makes it so that using one anomaly scanner on another transfers the
anomaly data onto the used scanner.




# Changelog
- add: You can now touch one anomaly scanner with another to copy the
anomaly scan data from it.
This is a semi-strict format, you can add/remove sections as needed but
the order/format should be kept the same
Remove these comments before submitting

# Description

Explain this PR in as much detail as applicable

Some example prompts to consider:
How might this affect the game? The codebase?
What might be some alternatives to this?
How/Who does this benefit/hurt [the game/codebase]?

Mass bug fixing, for bugs related to #1220.
Feel free to link or send bugs.

Fix list:
- #1242 
- #1243 
- #1244
- space-wizards/space-station-14#28084
- space-wizards/space-station-14#28282
- Actually fixed PirateRadioSpawnRule heisentest (with a bandaid) (I
cancel if it's 0)
- Simple-Station/Einstein-Engines#1263


# Changelog

You can add an author after the `:cl:` to change the name that appears
in the changelog (ex: `:cl: Death`)
Leaving it blank will default to your GitHub display name
This includes all available types for the changelog

- fix: Fixed chair visuals drawing depth wrongly if you sat in a
north-facing chair.
- fix: Fixed buckling doing several buckles each time you did one.
- fix: Fixed the magic mirror.
- fix: Fixed beds re-positioning you every few seconds.
- fix: Fixed E not opening containers that are in another container.
- fix: Fixed disposal systems not flushing or ejecting properly.


Co-authored-by: sleepyyapril <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>
Co-authored-by: Nemanja <[email protected]>
# Description

Oops. Some files refer to the non-existent **Pierce** damage type when
the proper name is **Piercing**.

# Changelog

:cl: Skubman
- fix: Piercing damage can now dismember body parts, just like Blunt and
Slash damage.
This is a semi-strict format, you can add/remove sections as needed but
the order/format should be kept the same
Remove these comments before submitting

# Description

Explain this PR in as much detail as applicable

Some example prompts to consider:
How might this affect the game? The codebase?
What might be some alternatives to this?
How/Who does this benefit/hurt [the game/codebase]?

+ Buffed applicable medication heal values.
+ Buffed applicable medication stack sizes.
+ Slightly buffed dylovene, burn, and brute chems.
+ Buffed applicable medication doAfter delay from 3s to 2s.


## Why / Balance
<!-- Discuss how this would affect game balance or explain why it was
changed. Link any relevant discussions or issues. -->
This change was made with the advent of the new Limb Damage system. This
PR seeks to achieve making SS14 Medical more equivalent to SS13 Medical
when it comes to healing damage values.

This was done as Bruise Packs and Ointment only heal 5 Brute or 5 Burn
respectively when applied to a limb. When each limb has a 100 Crit
threshold, this can make it extremely hard even with surgery to heal
limbs in the absence of Chemicals.

Furthermore on higher pop, this will lead to people burning through
applicable meds even faster than before Limb Damage was implemented. It
would take 34 bruise packs to heal someone with 170 Blunt spread out
across their limbs, with this change it would reduce that to 12 bruise

Full list of numerical val changes:
 - Healing component doAfter Delay reduced. was 3s, now its 2s.
 - Applicable medical items now have a max stack size of 15 (was 10).
- Ointment heals 15 of each burn type, 10 caustic (was 5 of each burn
type, 1.5 caustic)
 - Mesh now heals 20 of each burn type (was 10 of each burn type).
- Bruise Packs now heal 15 of each brute type (was 5 of each brute type)
 - Sutures now heal 20 of each brute type (was 10 of each brute type)
- Bloodpacks now heal 2.5 Bloodloss & restore 10% bloodlevel (was .5
Bloodloss and 5%)
 - Gauzes now heal 15 Slash and 20 Pierce (was 5 Slash and 10 Pierce)
 - Dylovene now heals 1.5 Poison per .5u (was 1 Poison per .5u)
 - Bicaridine now heals 2.5 Brute per .5u (Was 2 Brute per .5u)
 - Dermaline now heals 2 Burn per .5u (was 1.5 Burn per .5u)
- Epinephrine now heals 1 Burn & 1 Brute per .5u (was .5 for each per
 - Kelotane now heals .5 Burn per .5u (was .33 Burn per .5u)
- Omnizine now heals 3 Burn, Toxin, Airloss, and Brute per .5u (was 2
per .5u)
- Lacerinol now heals 4 Slash per .5u (was 3 per .5u)
- Bruizine now heals 4 Blunt per .5u (was 3.5 per .5u) 


A list of everything you have to do before this PR is "complete"
You probably won't have to complete everything before merging but it's
good to leave future references

- [x] Cherry-pick Medical changes merged in Goobstation


This is default collapsed, readers click to expand it and see all your
The PR media section can get very large at times, so this is a good way
to keep it clean
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The title must be within the <summary> tags or you won't see it
 ## Breaking changes
<!-- List any breaking changes, including namespaces, public
class/method/field changes, prototype renames; and provide instructions
for fixing them.
This will be posted in #codebase-changes. -->
Should values be overtuned, they can be reduced in a future PR or before
this PR is merged.

<!-- Add a Changelog entry to make players aware of new features or
changes that could affect gameplay.
Make sure to read the guidelines and take this Changelog template out of
the comment block in order for it to show up.
Changelog must have a 🆑 symbol, so the bot recognizes the changes and
adds them to the game's changelog. -->
- tweak: Increased applicable medication heal values.
- tweak: Increased stack size of applicable medications.
- tweak: Slightly increased dylovene, burn, and brute chemicals heal
- tweak: Decreased Medical item application time from 3s to 2s


Signed-off-by: sleepyyapril <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Tmanzxd <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sleepyyapril <[email protected]>
# Description


- [x] Custom name/desc/color tint, toggleable individually per-loadout
	- [x] Fix them not changing correctly between profiles in-editor
	- [x] Preview colors in the lobby
- [x] Allow the users to null the color themselves (and default it to
	- [x] Pick what should be allowed to be recolored
- [x] Guidebook links
	- [x] Make an example
- [x] Special components for loadouts
- [x] Heirlooms
	- [x] Pick what should have heirlooms
- [x] Decimate lag
- [x] Fix live character preview
- Maybe do characters per job
  - Rethink unusable






# Changelog

- add: Players can set custom names, descriptions, and color tints for
their loadout items
- add: Certain loadouts may have Guidebook pages shown in the editor
- add: Players can pick a list of loadout items to have one randomly be
their family heirloom for a mood bonus or deficit if they are carrying
- fix: Loadouts have almost as little lag as possible (hopefully none)
- fix: Everything properly updates your character editor's live preview


Signed-off-by: DEATHB4DEFEAT <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: metalgearsloth <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: VMSolidus <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Pspritechologist <[email protected]>

(cherry picked from commit f046306)
@github-actions github-actions bot added Changes: C# Changes any cs files Changes: Documentation Changes any xml or md files Changes: Localization Changes any ftl files Changes: UI Changes any XAML files Changes: YML Changes any yml files labels Jan 24, 2025
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Mnemotechnician commented Jan 24, 2025

...Oh holy shit, we are hitting the UI style update limit with loadouts v4. Seems like this issue with them was never fixed and the PR implementing lazy loading is still a draft. I will see what can be done...

@FoxxoTrystan FoxxoTrystan self-assigned this Jan 26, 2025
@FoxxoTrystan FoxxoTrystan added Priority: 1-High Needs to be resolved as soon as possible Undergoing Maintainer Discussion This PR is currently going through an internal discussion by the maintainer team. labels Jan 26, 2025
@github-actions github-actions bot added the Status: Merge Conflict FIX YOUR PR AAAGH label Jan 26, 2025
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This pull request has conflicts, please resolve those before we can evaluate the pull request.

@Mnemotechnician Mnemotechnician removed the Status: Do Not Merge Do not merge label Jan 26, 2025
@github-actions github-actions bot removed the Status: Merge Conflict FIX YOUR PR AAAGH label Jan 26, 2025
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Ok..? Git didn't even tell me there was a merge conflict, the file was auto-merged... sighs

@FoxxoTrystan FoxxoTrystan merged commit e6e3087 into Fansana:master Feb 2, 2025
10 of 11 checks passed
fenndragon added a commit to fenndragon/floofstation1 that referenced this pull request Feb 6, 2025

This reverts commit e6e3087, reversing
changes made to 9676430.
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Changes: C# Changes any cs files Changes: Documentation Changes any xml or md files Changes: Localization Changes any ftl files Changes: UI Changes any XAML files Changes: YML Changes any yml files Priority: 1-High Needs to be resolved as soon as possible Status: Needs Review Someone please review this Undergoing Maintainer Discussion This PR is currently going through an internal discussion by the maintainer team.
None yet

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

10 participants