Chapter 3 code_Project_82 The second part 2 of "The Arduino World Book" code_Project_82
- By:Farkad Adnan فرقد عدنان - -E-mail: [email protected] -inst : farkadadnan
- #farkadadnan , #farkad_adnan , فرقد عدنان#
- FaceBook: كتاب عالم الاردوينو
- inst : arduinobook
- #كتاب_عالم_الاردوينو
- #كتاب_عالم_الآردوينو
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An Arduino Library for EASY communication with DS3231 I2C RTC Clock and Atmel AT24C32 I2C EEPROM commonly found on the same board. Implements setting, getting the time/date, setting, checking and clearing alarms, and dead-easy circular-buffered logging of data with timestamp.
#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTClib.h"
RTC_DS3231 rtc;
These modules are I2C devices, so that's easy as pie.
SCL -> SCL (Uno: A5, Mega: 21, Leo*: SCL)
SDA -> SDA (Uno: A4, Mega: 20, Leo*: SDA)
VCC -> 5v