Implements Fantasy Land:
Functor, Bifunctor,
Apply, Applicative, Chain,
This data structure is a wrapper for reuse everyday mutable and effectfull promise based libs in a functional monadic future based fashion.
If Fluture moand wraps a computation that async resolve to a value, Futurity brigs tree data structures:
Reader e -> a : Reader monad used to lazy wrap a mutable effectfull lib (like knex or superagent for example).
Is a lazy Product Type that enables the composition of computations that depend on a shared > environment (e -> a). The left portion, the e must be fixed to a type for all related computations. The right portion a can vary in its type. -- Crocks Dev
e -> e : Environment reducer function, used to transforms environment before run it in the computation Reader.
Reader a -> Future b : A lazy structure (another Reader Monad) that takes the result value of the collapsing of first reader monad as environment and return a Future instance. All fluture operators (map, chain, ap...) applied to the data structure transforms the yet to exists future instace wrapped by the this monad.
Futurity is implemented in a few lines of code that mix up some good libraries:
- Add Futurity to your project
yarn add futurity
If not already in your project add peer dependencies
yarn add fluture
You can look in tests for other examples.
Sample of knex wrapping.
import Knex from 'knex'
import { Futurity, coMap, envMap } from 'futurity'
import * as F from 'fluture'
const I = a => a
const pipe = (...args) => args.reduce((f, g) => x => g(f(x)))
const db = Knex({
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: 'tests/chinook.sqlite'
useNullAsDefault: true
// Futurity that wrap knex instance
const DbFuturity = (db, args) =>
p => db(...args),
qb => F.attemptP(() => qb)
const query = pipe(
coMap(qb => qb.where({ Composer: 'Nirvana' })),
coMap(qb => qb.limit(2)), => => track.Name))
)(DbFuturity(db, ['Track']))
(async function(){
const value = await F.promise(query)
['Aneurysm', 'Smells Like Teen Spirit']
Sample of superagent wrapping
import request from 'superagent'
import { Futurity, coMap, envMap } from 'futurity'
import * as F from 'fluture'
const I = a => a
const pipe = (...args) => args.reduce((f, g) => x => g(f(x)))
// Futurity that wrap Superagent instance
const SaFuturity = method =>
Futurity.lift(request[method], agent => F.attemptP(() => agent))
const query = pipe(
envMap(() => ''), => res.body), => body.title),
coMap(req => req.set('accept', 'json'))
(async function(){
const title = await F.promise(query)
'delectus aut autem'
The data structure is a Fluture extension (so you can directly use all Fluture operators and API).
Exception for cache and hooks not yet implemented (but you can collapse a Futurity instance to a Fluture instance at you occorence).
In addition to standard Fluture functions we have:
Contruct a new Futurity Instance, environment is intialized to identity function.
computation: e -> a
Function that takes the environment and return the target value. -
computationToFuture: a -> Future b
Function that takes the computation result and transform it to a future.
Returns: Futurity Instance
Environment reducer. Function to transform the initial environment.
pred: e -> e
Function that has the current environment as input and return the new environment.
Returns: Futurity Instance
Function to transform the wrapped effectfull object.
(a, e) -> a
For your confort the environment is passed as second argumet so you can you it.
Returns: Futurity Instance
Make the futurity instance collapse to a Future instance (not yet resolved).
Futurity instance.
Returns: Future Instance
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Fabiano Taioli - [email protected]
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