Data and code for article "Is this a click towards diversity? Explaining when andwhy news users make diverse choice?"
This repository contains the data and code needed for the analyses presented in the paper. It contains two main folders with subfolders:
- data:
- raw: All raw data files - except for two files (elasticsearch_info.csv and news.csv) that were too large to be uploaded to GitHub. They are available upon request.
- intermediate: Files that were produced with processing steps and that are used as input for the analyses.
- src:
- processing: Scripts for reading, cleaning, merging the data and preparing it for the analysis. Results in the analysis_backup.rds file used for analysis.
- analysis: Randomization checks and the main analysis (using the analysis_backup.rds file).
Thus, to recreate the analyses that are reported on in the paper, run the src/analysis/analysis.Rmd script. If you are interested in using different processing steps for the raw data look at the src/processing/ folder. For some parts you might need to request the two missing data files (see comment above).