This is an addon for the game Elder Scrolls Online.
This addon can be downloaded using Minion Addon Manager or at ESO UI website
- how long ago a guild member joined the guild in a tooltip when you hover the guild member name.
- bank gold deposited and withdrew in a tooltip when you hover the guild member name.
- invite player to a guild menu item at the menu when right clicking a player name on chat
Inspired by and based on Advanced Member Tooltip Addon.
this addon relies heavily on LibHistoire since it reads all guild history from LibHistoire's logs
## How to get old data If you have just installed this addon If you have just installed this addon and only a few members have the tooltip you need older data than that available in LibHistoire. You can request more data from the guild history interface, hotkey E (bottom of the screen) and click refresh on LibHistoire interface. If you need a lot of old data you will have to click show more a lot. Remember to click refresh or else LibHistoire will not refresh the logs.
- LibHistoire
- LibSlashCommander
- LibCustomMenu
- LibAddonMenu-2.0
- LibSavedVars
- LibDateTime