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lucavanballegooijen edited this page May 15, 2012 · 2 revisions

Grudge of the Oblivious

It has been such a long time since the wars started. These battles have been raging on for centuries now. Everyone has forgotten the reason the war started, everyone but me.

The year is 2754, times are grim. The entire known universe is in an uproar. The greatest power in the galaxy, the Galactic Republic, has gotten too big to manage properly. Most planets can not relate to the corrupt representatives of the republic anymore. Tension grows while multiple small subgroups threaten to leave the republic.

What happens next would determine the fate of the known universe forever. The planet Celestia was attacked with chemical weapons and all life was exterminated. To this day no-one knows for certain who did it. It might have been the High council of the republic, to try and restore order to the galaxy by means of an example. On the other hand it might have been one of the smaller subgroups of planets, making a move in order to free themselves from the republic. At least everyone agreed on one thing: this called for retribution.

The republic, trying to regain control started attacking some of the more radical subgroups of planets. This ultimately led to the unison of most of these small subgroups, creating the Alliance of the Free Systems, simply called rebels by the republic. This started the great war between the alliance and the republic, now about equal in size.

This war has now been raging on for centuries. Both sides have stooped low, succumbing to horrible tactics and gruesome acts, not easily forgiven by the other side. Millions of people have died, innocent and guilty alike. New weapons were created, old weapons were upgraded, every new invention doing more damage then the one before it, until the ultimate weapon was created: the mecha suit. Now every battle is fought by these giant robots with the power to build, command and destroy.

Not many people know this truth, not many need to know or even want to know. Most fight just to retribute all damage done. They all hold a grudge, fighting because of that grudge and nothing else, we call it the Grudge of the Oblivious.

Now it's your turn to fight in this war, will you become like the others? Oblivious to the world and fighting because of this grudge until the end of your days? Or will you be the one to decide this endless war?

Who am I to know this truth you ask? I am no-one, just a simple bystander: The Ultimate Bystander.

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