To use this lib your test class must extend SparkStreamingTest class for Spark Streaming and SparkBatchTest for spark batch. To provide configuration to the standalone test deploy there are 2 ways:
- appName: application name
- master: spark master (choose you or use one provided by MasterTypes.class)
- batchDurationMillis: virtual duration of the batch in milliseconds
- useManualClock: use virtual clock in place of the system one (you don't have really to wait for the batch time)
In the constructor of the test class provide the current class to the super class:
public GenericStreamTestCase() {
You have to provide a class that implements this interface in order to save the output of the component to test and notify to sparkTest when the expected output is reached.
Spark test provides different helpers to create a mock DStream from a file that provide the content. Each File represents the content received during a batch. These helpers can be found into the classs TestStreamUtils:
TestStreamUtils.createMockDStream(JavaStreamingContext, minPartitions, file1Path,file2Path,..,fileNPath);
TestStreamUtils.createMockDStream(CommonPath,JavaStreamingContext, minPartitions, file1Name,file2Name,..,fileName);
Similar to the previous but you can define a common path to the files.
However if you want to pick all the files inside a target directory you can use the following method:
TestStreamUtils.createMockDStreamFromDir(JavaStreamingContext, minPartitions, directoryPath);
(jssc) -> {
//your spark stream job (jssc is the spark streaming context)
(eoh) -> {
//your test goes here (eoh is an instance of your class implementing the ExpectedOutputHandler interface)
(jssc) -> {
JavaDStream<String> ds=TestStreamUtils.createMockDStream(jssc, numPartitions, filepath);
//spark stream job
(eoh) -> {
//test code
.executeTest(numBatches, timeoutMillis);
#Test class Example
public class GenericStreamTestCase extends SparkStreamingTest{
public GenericStreamTestCase() {
public void singleFileStreamTest(){
MyOutputHandler moh=new MyOutputHandler();
(jssc) -> {
JavaDStream<String> ds=TestStreamUtils.createMockDStream(jssc, 1, RES_PATH+"file_test_1.txt"); -> Integer.parseInt(str.split(" ")[2])).reduce((a,b) -> a+b)
.foreachRDD((rdd) -> {
return null;
(eoh) -> {
List<Integer> outputList=((MyOutputHandler)eoh).getOutputList();
assertEquals(5,(int) outputList.get(0));
).executeTest(1, 20000);