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V0.4 Troubleshooting Installation Issues

FormerLurker edited this page May 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

Under Construction

This page is currently under construction. I'm trying to get Octolapse V0.4 stable released ASAP at the moment, and this has led to some documentation shortcuts. As you might know, Octolapse v4.0 has a TON of documentation built right into the plugin that may help. Click on the various help icons (blue question marks) throughout the system to see detailed help on almost every setting. There are also help buttons that will show up for many error notifications. ALWAYS click on those if you need help.

Installation Problems

It can be frustrating when an installation fails. I am very aware of this, and have sometimes struggled to solve installation issues for users. It is very difficult at times to get software to install properly on multiple platforms, and the Octolapse installation is quite complicated.

In this guide I attempt to list as many of the common problems as possible, along with the solutions that have worked for some people. I must admit, there are still some installation issues that haven't been solved 100%. Please let me know if you have one of these.

Fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory

This error is caused because the Python development package is not installed. Octolapse needs this so it can compile a C++ extension.

As of now, OctoPi ships with the Python dev package, but ONLY for Python 2.7. If you are running Python 3, you will need to install the package manually.

Install the Dev Package for Linux

If you are NOT running OctoPi and Python 2.7 (this comes pre-installed), you may need to install Python-dev.

[Open a terminal window|0.4---Connecting-To-Terminal-Remotely) and run one of the following commands depending on the Python version you are using.

For Python 2:

sudo apt-get install python-dev

For Python 3:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev

Install the Dev Package for Windows

The Python includes are typically installed by default when running the Python installer. You should find a sub-directory within the Python installation folder called include. If you do not see this, re-run the installer and pay attention to the options. I've actually not found any instances where the includes were not installed, but if this happens to you, please report an issue and I'll update these instructions.

Install the Dev Package for Mac OS

Typically the Python devel package is included, but if it is not, you can install it via brew with the following command:

brew reinstall python

I do not have access to a Mac for testing, so if you have better instructions, please create an issue and I'll update the instructions!

Failed to Build Pillow

Pillow is a critical library that handles all image manipulations, including creating thumbnails, rotating images, detecting image formats, etc. Unfortunately the installation is sometimes problematic. I've not found a single solution to fix Pillow installation issues, but I do know several ways that people have fixed it in the past.

Upgrade Pip

Old versions of pip seem to have more problems installing Pillow. Try upgrading pip by first [connecting to a terminal window|0.4---Connecting-To-Terminal-Remotely).

Now you will need to activate the virtual environment that OctoPrint is installed into. If you are using OctoPi, these steps will work:

source ~/oprint/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip

The first line activates the virtual environment. After the environment is activated, the pip command will apply to that environment.

Now try re-installing Octolapse.

Manually Install Pillow

For some reason, occasionally a manual installation of Pillow will work, even though it fails when using OctoPrint.

Pillow has some prerequisites that must be installed first, so run this command to ensure they are all installed:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev

This may take a while to install. Once it's completed, activate your virtual environment and attempt to install Pillow manually. If you are running OctoPi, these commands should work:

source ~/oprint/bin/activate
pip --no-cache-dir install pillow

Pillow will take a while to install. Once it has completed successfully, try reinstalling Octolapse.

Check the Official Pillow Documentation

You might want to read the official pillow installation instructions found here.

The instructions are focused on Python 3. If you are using Python 2, the commands shown will not help you.

Nothing Here Has Helped

If you are running OctoPi on a Raspberry Pi, I recommend trying a fresh install of OctoPi. It could be that something went wrong during an update or previous installation that is causing an obscure problem. I realize that reflashing takes a lot of time and effort, but it is a good way to narrow down the problem, and it may just solve other issues too. I recommend utilizing the Backup and Restore plugin, which is built into OctoPrint 1.4.0 and above. That way you won't lose all of your settings and files. You might also consider flashing onto a new SD card so that you can easily move back and forth between your new and old installation.

If that fails too, or if you are just unwilling to reflash, consider V0.4---Reporting-An-Issue. Be sure to include a copy of your plugin_pluginmanager_console.log file, the steps you've already taken to try and fix the problem, and as much other information as you can provide.

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