bbcode parser Bundle for Symfony framework
- documentation (!)
- app/config.yml as configuration file - turn off tags / change size of youtube iframe etc.
- more and improve the quality of tests (!)
- Bold [b]..[/b] *
- Italic [i]..[/i] *
- Underline ([u]..[/u] - span style
- Colors [color=(black/#cccccc)]..[/color] - span style
- URL [url=(http..) target=(_blank/etc)]...[/url] (target is optional)
- video [youtube]youtube-link[/youtube]
- image img[/img]
"require": {
"forti/bbcode": "v1.0.x"
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "[email protected]:Fortidude/bbcode.git"
Composer update
$ composer update
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Forti\bbcode\FortiBbcodeBundle(),
and that's it! Now you can use bbcode twig extension in you view:
{{ variable|bbcode }}