This application is and HTTP-service email sender. It sends emails and stores them in a mongo database.
It is build in node and uses nodemailer for sending emails.
email_Port - HTTP server port (default: 80)
email_SMTP_HOST - smtp server
email_SMTP_PORT - smtp server port
email_SMTP_SECURE - should not be set for all ports except 465
email_SMTP_USERNAME - smtp username
email_SMTP_PASSWORD - smtp password
email_DB_HOST - MongoDB host
email_DB_PORT - MongoDB port (default: 27071)
email_DB_NAME - Database name
email_DB_USERNAME - Database username
email_DB_PASSWORD - Database password
email_MONGODB_OPTIONS - mongo database connection options
To run a docker image with this code, use the docker-compose.yml
file, found in the repo or run using the docker command:
$ sudo docker run --detach \
--publish 8080:80 \
--name email-sender \
--restart always \
--net=bridge \
--env email_SMTP_HOST="" \
--env email_SMTP_PORT="25" \
--env email_SMTP_SECURE= \