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Python Script to query SMA Inverter via WebConnect and save the data to InfluxDB

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Python Script to query SMA Inverter Data via WebConnect and save the data to InfluxDB.

The script has been tested using a SMA Inverter SUNNY TRIPOWER 5.0 and SMA Enegry Meter.

It uses the WebConnect Login to query data via JSON API at configurable time interval (default 15s) and save the data into an InfluxDB.

Following data will be queried (but can be extended easily):

  • Current Generated Power in W
  • Current Power to Grid in W
  • Current Power from Grid in W
  • Current Power Consumption in W (calulated)
  • Total Generated Power in Wh
  • Total Power to Grid in Wh
  • Total Power from Grid in Wh
  • Total Power Consumption in Wh (calulated)
  • Current DC Power in W of String A
  • Current DC Power in V of String A
  • Current DC Power in A of String A
  • Current AC Power in W
  • Current AC Frequency in Hz
  • Current AC Power in A of Phase 1-3
  • Current AC Power in V of Phase 1-3
  • Current AC Power Generation in W of Phase 1-3
  • Current AC Power Supply in W of Phase 1-3
  • Current AC Power Acquisition in W of Phase 1-3
  • Current AC Power Consumption in W of Phase 1-3 (calculated)

The actually available values from the SMA Inverter can be queried by script described here: SMA Translate Script

The script can be run directly using Python3 or in a Docker container.

The wrapper script is needed to correctly perform logout from the SMA Inverter as without it the Sessions will remain forever blocking all of only 4 possible connections.

Start and Configure Docker Container

Pull latest Image:
docker pull froschie/sma-query:latest

Download Configuration files and change if configuration should be changed:

curl -O
curl -O

Start Container wirthout writing to DB:

docker run -it --rm \
 -e influx_ip= \
 -e influx_port=8086 \
 -e influx_db=SMA \
 -e influx_user=user \
 -e influx_pw=pw \
 -e sma_ip= \
 -e sma_pw=smapw \
 -e sma_mode=https \
 -e interval=15 \
 -e write=0 \
 -e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
 -e log=INFO \
 -v $(pwd)/config_queries.json:/config_queries.json \
 -v $(pwd)/config_measurements.json:/config_measurements.json \

Note: please adapt the parameters as needed and replace "-it --rm" with "-d" to run it permanently or use docker-compose!

Start Docker Container via Docker-Compose File

curl -O
vi docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose up -d

Note: please adapt the parameters in <> brackets, use external folder to save the database and use matching values in the WeMos configuration! Don´t override your existing docker compose file!

Note: sorry for some mix of German and English names. That happened during translation and I was simply too lazy to adapt my already present InflusDB data.

Start Script without Container

python --influx_ip= --influx_port="8086" --influx_user="user" --influx_pw="pw" --sma_ip= --sma_pw="pw" --influx_db="SMA" --interval=15 --write=0

Example Output:

2020-08-26 17:01:29.648563 Sessions OK: 2
2020-08-26 17:01:29.648563 Actual Time: 2020-08-26 17:01:29.648563 waiting for: 2020-08-26 17:01:30
2020-08-26 17:01:31.039033 Login on SMA Device successfull.
2020-08-26 17:01:31.664865 SMA Device Values:  {'sma_sn': '1234567890', 'solar_act': 500, 'einspeisung_act': 0, 'bezug_act': 50, 'solar_total': 100000, 'einspeisung_total': 50000, 'bezug_total': 50000, 'power_a': 500, 'voltage_a': 50000, 'current_a': 1000, 'power': 500, 'freq': 5000, 'current_1': 333, 'current_2': 333, 'current_3': 333, 'voltage_1': 23000, 'voltage_2': 23000, 'voltage_3': 23000, 'power_1': 166, 'power_2': 166, 'power_3': 167, 'supply_1': 0, 'supply_2': 0, 'supply_3': 0, 'acquisition_1': 50, 'acquisition_2': 0, 'acquisition_3': 0, 'consumption_act': 550, 'consumption_total': 50000, 'consumption_1': 200, 'consumption_2': 200, 'consumption_3': 150}
2020-08-26 17:01:46.651006 SMA Device Logout Successfull.

Create Docker Container

mkdir sma-query
cd sma-query/
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
docker build --tag sma-query .
docker run -d --name sma-query --restart unless-stopped -e influx_ip= -e influx_port=8086 -e influx_user=user -e influx_pw=pw -e sma_ip= -e sma_pw=pw -e interval=15 -e log=INFO sma-query

Grafana Dashboard

The SMA_Dashboard.json file provides a simple overview about todays and long term (30 / 365) solar production and power consumption.
Import to your existing Grafana System and select the Influx DB which has been used to store the data. If not done, create the Datasource.
Grafana Dashboard

Note: the Dashboard used the Sun and Moon Plugin. Please install and configure it!
Sun and Moon Plugin Config

When using Docker Compose for Grafana, the plugin can be added with the environment variable GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS:

      - GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=fetzerch-sunandmoon-datasource


Python Script to query SMA Inverter via WebConnect and save the data to InfluxDB






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