Unofficial Intel RealSense Wrapper for Unreal Engine 5 with cross platform (Win64 and Android) support.
- Open librealsense/wrappers/android with
Android Studio
- File -> Settings -> Settings -> Exprimental -> Enable
Configure all Gradle tasks during Gradle Sync
- File ->
Sync Project with Gradle Files
- On right panel, open
- Right click and run
LRS -> Tasks -> build -> assemble
- outputs are (try which one of them works)
- librealsense/wrappers/android/librealsense/build/intermediates/library_jni/release/jni/arm64-v8a/
- librealsense/wrappers/android/librealsense/build/intermediates/merged_native_libs/release/out/lib/arm64-v8a/
- Android device should have "RS Camera" app installed.
This is an optional variable for FF_QR_Processor
. If you don't want to integrate it, delete ZXing related template blueprints in plugin's content folder.
- You need to extract to its folder before using it on Android. (Source/FF_RealSense/ThirdParty/Android/libs)
- RGB Stream
- Depth Stream
- Infrared Stream
- Distance Calculation
- QR Reader (with help of our QR Processor plugin)
- FRunnableThread based