Miniflux is a minimalist and web-based RSS reader.
- Host almost anywhere
- Readability (CSS optimized for readability, responsive design)
- Easy setup => copy and paste the source code and you are done!
- Use a lightweight Sqlite database instead of Mysql or Postgresql
- Remove Feedburner Ads and analytics trackers (1x1 pixels)
- Open external links inside a new tab with a
attribute - Use secure HTTP headers (only external images and Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion videos are allowed)
- Article content is filtered before being displayed
- Translated in English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbian and Simplified Chinese
- RTL languages support
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Full article download for feeds that display only a summary
- Bookmarks
- Send your favorite articles to Pinboard and Instapaper
- Enclosure support (videos and podcasts)
- Feed updates via a cronjob or with the user interface with one click
- Keeps history of read items
- Import/Export of OPML feeds
- Themes
- Auto-update from the user interface
- Multiple databases (each user has his own database)
- Image proxy to avoid mixed content warnings with HTTPS
- Recent version of libxml2 >= 2.7.x (version 2.6.32 on Debian Lenny is not supported anymore)
- PHP >= 5.3.3
- PHP XML extensions (SimpleXML and DOM)
- PHP Sqlite extension
- cURL extension for PHP or Stream Context with
- Iconv and mbstring extensions
- Installation
- Upgrade to a new version
- Cronjob
- Advanced configuration
- Full article download
- Multiple users
- Translations
- Themes
- Json-RPC API
- Fever API
- Run Miniflux with Docker
- Tests
External projects build around Miniflux:
- Miniflux embedded is an Android app for Miniflux. It's basically an embedded WebView that saves your Miniflux URL and cookies. Download on the Play Store.
- munin-miniflux is a munin wildcard plugin to draw graphs of your miniflux read and unread count.
- List of themes
- See Issues:
Original author: Frédéric Guillot
People who sent a pull-request, report a bug, make a new theme or share a super cool idea:
- André Kelpe
- Augustin Lacour
- Ayodio
- Bjauy
- Bohwaz
- Chase Arnold
- Chris Lemonier
- Delehef
- Derjus
- Eauland
- Félix
- Geriel Castro
- Hika0
- Horsely
- Ing. Jan Kaláb
- Itoine
- Kordian Bruck
- James Scott-Brown
- James Barwell
- Julian Oster
- Jarek
- Kaminary Shadows
- Luca Marra
- Martin Simon
- Mathias Kresin
- Maxime
- Meradoou
- Miloš Jovanović
- MonsieurPaulLeBoulanger
- Necku
- Nicolas Dewaele
- Pcwalden
- Pitel
- Silvus
- Skasi7
- Thiriot Christophe
- Tobi
- Vincent Ozanam
- Ygbillet
Many people also sent bug reports and feature requests.