This is web-app that allows random draw of songs from Dance Dance Revolution (A20, Ace, and Extreme) with a variety of optional conditions, primarially around difficulty level. The intended use case is for competitive tournaments, but it may also be useful as a training tool.
The app is officially available at or as a downloadable zip file from the releases page. The app is designed such that even the online version will work without any internet connection after being loaded once in any modern web browser.
Original app by Jeff Lloyd; ongoing maintenance provided by noahm and FuriousDCSL. Contributions are welcome!
This app can be easily customized for any format a tournament might use, including adding song data for other games. If you have requests or ideas, please reach out!
If you want to take a stab at it yourself, you will want to have node.js >= 10.0.0 installed along with yarn and some familarity with Preact (or react) apps.
Clone this repo to your computer. Then the following commands will be useful:
# Before running anything else, do this!
# It's a one-time local install of dependencies needed to build the app.
yarn install
# local development will start, with app running at http://localhost:8080/
# edits to the files in ./src/ will automatically reload the browser
yarn start
# if you make changes to any game/song data in ./src/songs/ this will give
# a basic sanity check on the format and contents of it
yarn validate:json
# build a zipped, standalone copy of the app that runs entirely offline
yarn build
Ideas for future develoment are now being tracked as issues on this repo. Feel free to jump in if you want to help build out something new!