This tutorial is based on the following tutorial:
It shows how to query data stored as Avro objects stored inside a columnar format (Parquet) via the Spark query interface. The main intention of the tutorial is to show the seamless integration of the functional RDD operators that come with Spark and its SQL interface. For users who are unfamiliar with Avro we show how to make use of Avro interface description language (IDL) inside a Spark Maven project.
$ git clone
$ cd spark
$ sbt/sbt clean publish-local
Then in a different directory
$ git clone
$ cd example-avro-parquet-spark
$ mvn package
Here we are using Maven to build the project due to the available Avro IDL compiler plugin. Obviously one could have achieved the same goal using sbt.
There are two subprojects:
, which contains the Avro description of the primary data record we are using (Adam format
, which contains the actual code that saves to parquets files and executes the queries
There are two ways to specify a schema for Avro records: via a description in JSON format or via the IDL. We chose the latter since it is easier to comprehend.
Our example models the Adam Format database with is detailed here:
This file is stored as part of the example-format
project and is
eventually compiled into a Java implementation of the class that
represents these types of records. Note that the different
attributes are defined via their name, their type and an optional
default value. For more information on how to specify Avro records see
the Avro documentation.
Part of the description is also the namespace of the protocol, which
will result in the package name of the classes that will be generated
from the description. We use the Avro maven plugin to do this
transformation. It is added to example-format/pom.xml
as follows:
Once the code generation has completed, this test builds objects of type Genotype
this way:
import org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Genotype
import org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.Variant
def createGenotype(idx: Int): Genotype = {
return Genotype.newBuilder()
.setSampleDescription("mySampleDescription" + idx.toString())
.setEnd(idx.toLong + 10)
.setReferenceAllele("myReferenceAllele" + idx.toString())
We can create a set of Genotypes and store these inside a Parquet file as follows.
import parquet.avro.AvroParquetWriter
def createParquetFile(numberOfGenotype: Int, schema: Schema, output: Path, conf: Configuration): Unit = {
//We must make sure that the parquet file(s) are deleted because the following script doesn't replace the file.
deleteIfExist(output.getParent().toString(), "genotypes.parquet");
val parquetWriter = new AvroParquetWriter[IndexedRecord](output, schema)
for (i <- 0 until numberOfGenotype by 1)
The data written in the last step can be directly imported as a DataFrame inside Spark and then queried. This can be done as follows.
val conf = new SparkConf(true).setMaster("local[10]").setAppName("ParquetAvroExample")
sqc = new SQLContext(new SparkContext(conf))
val dataFrame:DataFrame = + fileName)
After the files have been registered, they can queried via Spark functionalities, for example:"variant.start", "variant.end").filter("start >= 20").filter("start <= 30").show()
The result will be returned as a sequence of Row
objects, whose
fields can displayed by the show()
functions (which only display the first 20 records).