Added 'Last Modified' timestamp to files in the Public Archive.
Added proper Markdown support to company descriptions and jobs.
Added meeting type filters to meeting overview.
Added historical overview for abrogated committees.
Added notice when you are not allowed to download education documents.
Added the option to edit existing subscriptions without having to resubscribe to activities.
Added warnings when leaving certain pages while an upload is in progress.
Added automatic removal of old activity data in accordance with privacy policy.
Improved admin interface for managing photos.
Improved qualitify of Photo of the Week pictures.
Improved watermarking of education documents.
Improved rendering of Markdown in certain places.
Improved (historical) organ information viewing.
Improved automatic redirect after login to previous page.
Increased number of activities shown for organs from 3
to 5
Changed occurrences of 'Bylaws' to 'Articles of Association'.
Fixed issue where exporting GDPR data subject requests failed.
Fixed issue where photos would be deleted even when still present in another album.
Fixed issue where photo URLs generated by Glide would be accessible indefinitely.
Fixed issue where logging in without an e-mail address was still possible.
Fixed issue where image injection in Markdown was possible.
Fixed issue where album name validation was too strict.
Fixed issue where functions in organs were incorrectly ordered.
Fixed issue where authorizations would not be shown for past meetings.
Fixed issue where viewing very old activities would result in a fatal exception.
Fixed issue where pagination of historic polls in the admin interface did not work.
Fixed issue where zeroth meetings were not viewable.
Fixed issue where future installations or discharges would already be effective.
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