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GIfatahTH committed Jun 14, 2021
1 parent ceaa61f commit e064007
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Showing 9 changed files with 438 additions and 535 deletions.
380 changes: 188 additions & 192 deletions coverage/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/animator.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ library animator;
export 'package:animator/src/animate_widget.dart';
export 'package:animator/src/animator.dart';
export 'package:states_rebuilder/src/extensions/type_extension.dart';
export 'package:states_rebuilder/src/builders/child.dart'
show Child, Child2, Child3;
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions lib/src/animator.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import 'package:states_rebuilder/states_rebuilder.dart';
part 'animator_key.dart';
part 'animator_rebuilder.dart';
part 'animator_state.dart';
part 'child.dart';
// part 'child.dart';

///{@template animator}
///A facade widget that hide the complexity of setting animation in Flutter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class _AnimatorState<T> extends State<Animator<T>> {
late AnimatorState<T> animatorState;
late AnimatorStateImp<T> animatorState;

void initState() {
Expand All @@ -165,10 +165,9 @@ class _AnimatorState<T> extends State<Animator<T>> {
void didUpdateWidget(covariant Animator<T> oldWidget) {
final animatorImp = animatorState as AnimatorStateImp<T>;
animatorImp.animator = widget;
animatorState.animator = widget;
if (widget.resetAnimationOnRebuild) {
tween: oldWidget.tween != widget.tween ? widget.tween : null,
Expand All @@ -183,6 +182,12 @@ class _AnimatorState<T> extends State<Animator<T>> {

void dispose() {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return On.animation(
Expand Down
277 changes: 0 additions & 277 deletions lib/src/animator_state.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,280 +132,3 @@ class AnimatorStateImp<T> implements AnimatorState<T> {

// ///{@template animatorState}
// ///The state of [Animator] widget.
// ///
// ///From the parameter defined in the [Animator] widget, it instantiates
// ///the animation.
// ///
// ///{@endtemplate}
// abstract class AnimatorState<T> {
// ///{@macro animatorState}
// factory AnimatorState(Animator<T> animator, void Function() rebuildStates) {
// return AnimatorStateImp<T>(animator, rebuildStates);
// }

// void resetAnimation({
// Tween<T?>? tween,
// Map<String, Tween>? tweenMap,
// Duration? duration,
// Curve? curve,
// int? repeats,
// int? cycles,
// });

// void triggerAnimation({bool restart = false});

// ///The [AnimationController] for an animation.
// ///
// ///It lets you perform tasks such as:
// ///* paly, reverse, stop animation
// ///* Set the animation to a specific.
// AnimationController get controller;

// ///The [Animation] object
// Animation<T> get animation;

// ///get the animation of provided name
// ///
// ///It will throw if [Animator.tweenMap] is null
// Animation<R> getAnimation<R>(String name);

// ///The value of the [animation]
// T get value;

// ///The value map of the [Animator.tweenMap];
// R getValue<R>(String name);
// }

// ///Implementation of [AnimatorState]
// class AnimatorStateImp<T> implements AnimatorState<T> {
// void Function() rebuildStates;

// ///Implementation of [AnimatorState]
// AnimatorStateImp(Animator<T>? animator, this.rebuildStates) {
// if (animator != null) {
// this.animator = animator;
// }
// }

// ///The animator widget the AnimatorState is associated with
// late Animator<T> animator;
// //
// AnimationController? _controller;
// @override
// AnimationController get controller => _controller!;
// //
// Animation<T>? _animation;
// @override
// Animation<T> get animation =>
// _animation ??= as Animatable<T>);

// // _animation!;
// @override
// T get value {
// return _curveTween.evaluate(controller)!;
// }

// late Animatable<dynamic> _curveTween;

// late Duration _duration = animator.duration!;
// set duration(Duration duration) {
// if (_duration != duration) {
// _duration = duration;
// _controller!.duration = _duration;
// }
// }

// late Curve _curve = animator.curve!;
// set curve(Curve curve) {
// _curve = curve;
// }

// //
// late Tween<T?>? _tween = animator.tween;
// set tween(Tween<T?>? tween) {
// tween ??= (Tween<double>(begin: 0, end: 1) as Tween<T>);
// _curveTween = tween.chain(CurveTween(curve: _curve));
// _tween = tween;
// }

// Map<String, Tween<dynamic>> _tweenMap = {};
// set tweenMap(Map<String, Tween> newTweens) {
// _tweenMap = newTweens;
// _animationMap.clear();
// _valuesMap.clear();
// _tweenMap.forEach((key, tween) {
// _curvedTweenMap[key] = tween.chain(CurveTween(curve: _curve));
// });
// }

// Map<String, Animatable<dynamic>> _curvedTweenMap = {};

// final Map<String, Animation> _animationMap = {};

// @override
// Animation<R> getAnimation<R>(String name) {
// assert(_tweenMap.isNotEmpty);
// var anim = _animationMap[name];
// if (anim != null) {
// return anim as Animation<R>;
// }
// anim =[name]!);
// _animationMap[name] = anim;
// return anim as Animation<R>;
// }

// Map<String, dynamic> _valuesMap = {};
// @override
// R getValue<R>(String name) {
// assert(_tweenMap.isNotEmpty);
// assert(_curvedTweenMap[name] != null);
// final val = _curvedTweenMap[name]!.evaluate(controller);
// _valuesMap[name] = val;
// return val;
// }

// //
// bool get _triggerOnInit => animator.triggerOnInit != null
// ? animator.triggerOnInit!
// : animator.animatorKey != null
// ? false
// : true;
// //
// late int _repeatCount;
// late bool _isCycle;
// //used to skip the dismiss status when cycle is defined
// bool _skipDismissStatus = false;
// //

// ///initialize animation
// void initAnimation(TickerProvider ticker) {
// _controller ??= AnimationController(
// duration: _duration,
// vsync: ticker,
// );

// resetAnimation(
// tween: animator.tween,
// tweenMap: animator.tweenMap,
// repeats: animator.repeats,
// cycles: animator.cycles,
// );

// _addAnimationListeners();

// if (animator.statusListener != null) {
// controller.addStatusListener(
// (status) => animator.statusListener!(status, this),
// );
// }

// if (animator.animatorKey != null) {
// controller.addListener((animator.animatorKey as AnimatorKeyImp)._rebuild);
// }

// if (_triggerOnInit == true) {
// triggerAnimation();
// }
// }

// void resetAnimation({
// Tween<T?>? tween,
// Map<String, Tween>? tweenMap,
// Duration? duration,
// Curve? curve,
// int? repeats,
// int? cycles,
// }) {
// this.duration = duration ?? _duration;
// this.curve = curve ?? _curve;
// this.tween = tween ?? _tween;
// this.tweenMap = tweenMap ?? _tweenMap;

// _animation = null;

// _isCycle = repeats == null && cycles != null;
// _repeatCount = _setRepeatCount(animator.repeats, animator.cycles);
// _addAnimationStatusListener(_getStatusListenerCallBack);
// }

// void _addAnimationListeners() {
// controller.addListener(rebuildStates);
// if (animator.customListener != null) {
// controller.addListener(() => animator.customListener!(this));
// }
// }

// ///
// void _addAnimationStatusListener(void Function(AnimationStatus status) fn) {
// _removeStatusListener(fn);
// _addStatusListener(fn);
// }

// void _addStatusListener(void Function(AnimationStatus) listener) {
// controller.addStatusListener(listener);
// }

// void _removeStatusListener(void Function(AnimationStatus)? listener) {
// if (listener == null) return;
// controller.removeStatusListener(listener);
// }

// ///Start the animation
// void triggerAnimation({bool restart = false}) {
// if (restart) {
// _skipDismissStatus = true;
// controller.value = 0;
// _skipDismissStatus = false;
// }
// if (controller.status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) {
// controller.forward();
// } else if (controller.status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
// if (!_isCycle) {
// controller
// ..value = 0
// ..forward();
// } else {
// controller.reverse();
// }
// }
// }

// late Function(AnimationStatus) _getStatusListenerCallBack = (status) {
// if (status == AnimationStatus.completed ||
// (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed &&
// _isCycle &&
// !_skipDismissStatus)) {
// if (_repeatCount == 1) {
// if (animator.endAnimationListener != null) {
// animator.endAnimationListener!(this);
// }
// _repeatCount = _setRepeatCount(animator.repeats, animator.cycles);
// // if (animator.animatorKey == null &&
// // animator.resetAnimationOnRebuild != true) {
// // _controller?.dispose();
// // }//TODO what if remove me
// } else {
// if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
// if (_repeatCount > 1) _repeatCount--;
// if (_isCycle) {
// controller.reverse();
// } else {
// controller
// ..value = 0
// ..forward();
// }
// } else if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) {
// if (_repeatCount > 1) _repeatCount--;
// controller.forward();
// }
// }
// }
// };
// }

// int _setRepeatCount(int? repeats, int? cycles) {
// return repeats == null ? cycles ?? 1 : repeats;
// }

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