A service to manage regulator portal requests/responses that require authentication, document submission and validation.
Provides the ability to:
- Log in using a vLEI ECR
- Upload signed files
- Check the status of an upload
In two seperate terminals run:
cd src/regps; celery -A app.tasks worker -l DEBUG
cd src/regps; gunicorn -b app:app --reload
Requires a running Redis instance on the default port.
The web app (UI front-end) uses Signify/KERIA for selecting identifiers and credentials: See: reg-poc-webapp
The verifier uses keripy for verifying the requets: See: reg-poc-verifier
- KERI Witness Network
- vLEI server
- KERI Agent
The deployment architecture is demonstrated in reg-poc
You can run a test query using Swagger by going to: