MangaVerse, a manga-inspired platform with a focus on techie, front-facing landing page. For Fan Accounts: Simplified profile header with manga graphics, 'Follow' button, dynamic 'Activity Feed', highlighted 'Favorites Section', and 'Community Insights'. For Creator Accounts: Enhanced 'My Uploads' with analytics, 'Project Highlights', 'Collaboration Opportunities', and 'Workshop and Tutorials'. Landing Page: 'Unleash Your Manga Spirit' catchphrase, tech-inspired animations, concise web copy, clear call to action for fans and creators. Color Scheme: Manga-inspired with neon accents. Typography: Modern sans-serif with unique manga and digital art characteristics.
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git clone
cd manga-spirit-platform
npm i
npm run dev
This will run a dev server with auto reloading and an instant preview.
- Node.js & npm - install with nvm