These are the content files for our website, written in Markdown.
The WordPress editor is a pain to use, it randomly re-formats code snippets,
removes HTML and generally causes chaos, so we write all our content in real text
editors like Atom and Sublime Text, then we copy it over from this repository to our site.
All documents must be in Markdown.
All images should use the HTML image tags with the appropriate WordPress classes to align them in the center,like this:
<img class="aligncenter wp-image-147 size-full" src="" alt="" width="600" height="783" />
this is because images are on the same server.
Italicize inline code instead of using the inline code tags, the theme we use makes inline code look awful, so this instead of
The first post of a series of posts should be tagged
so it comes up on the front page. -
Put a number before the posts names so finding the first or sixth or whichever one is easier.