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Typechecker (MGU.hs): implement the stubbed-out kind checking
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Check types for being well formed as well as having the expected kind.

This fixes some of the cases where you can freely use unknown typedef
names and they turn into fresh type variables.
  • Loading branch information
sauclovian-g committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 7a1c89a commit 91f9bbf
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 13 deletions.
165 changes: 152 additions & 13 deletions src/SAWScript/MGU.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,11 +28,14 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.List (intercalate, genericTake)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Map as M
--import qualified Data.Set as S

import qualified Prettyprinter as PP

import SAWScript.AST
import SAWScript.Panic (panic)
import SAWScript.Position (Inference(..), Pos(..), Positioned(..), choosePos)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,6 +252,41 @@ instance Instantiate Type where
-- }}}

-- Kinds {{{

-- For the time being we can handle kinds using the number of expected
-- type arguments. Apart from tuples the only things we have are of
-- kinds *, * -> *, and * -> * -> *, but we do have tuples of
-- arbitrary arity.
-- If we ever want additional structure (e.g. distinguishing the
-- monad/context types from other types) we can extend this
-- representation easily enough.

data Kind = Kind Int
deriving Eq

kindStar :: Kind
kindStar = Kind 0

-- these aren't currently used
--kindStarToStar :: Kind
--kindStarToStar = Kind 1
--kindStarToStarToStar :: Kind
--kindStarToStarToStar = Kind 2

instance PrettyPrint Kind where
pretty _ (Kind n) =
PP.viaShow $ intercalate " -> " $ take (n + 1) $ repeat "*"

-- }}}

-- Pass context {{{

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -863,7 +901,7 @@ inferExpr (ln, expr) = case expr of
return (Let pos dg' body', t)

TSig _pos e t ->
do t' <- checkKind t
do t' <- checkType kindStar t
(e',t'') <- inferExpr (ln,e)
unify ln t' (getPos e') t''
return (e',t'')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -894,14 +932,16 @@ checkExpr m e t = do
-- type annotations in the input; if so don't throw them away.
inferPattern :: Pattern -> TI (Type, Pattern)
inferPattern pat =
let resolveType pos mt = case mt of
Nothing -> getFreshTyVar pos
Just t -> checkType kindStar t
case pat of
PWild pos mt ->
-- XXX how about checkKind on mt of not None?
do t <- maybe (getFreshTyVar pos) return mt
do t <- resolveType pos mt
return (t, PWild pos (Just t))
PVar pos x mt ->
-- XXX how about checkKind on mt of not None?
do t <- maybe (getFreshTyVar pos) return mt
do t <- resolveType pos mt
return (t, PVar pos x (Just t))
PTuple pos ps ->
do (ts, ps') <- unzip <$> mapM inferPattern ps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -974,9 +1014,10 @@ inferStmts ln blockpos ctx stmts = case stmts of
StmtImport spos _ ->
return (id, s, tUnit $ PosInferred InfTerm spos)
StmtTypedef spos name ty -> do
-- XXX how about a checkKind ty here?
let wrapper = withTypedef name ty
return (wrapper, s, tUnit $ PosInferred InfTerm spos)
ty' <- checkType kindStar ty
let s' = StmtTypedef spos name ty'
let wrapper = withTypedef name ty'
return (wrapper, s', tUnit $ PosInferred InfTerm spos)
case more of
[] | legalEndOfBlock s ->
return ([s'], t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1081,11 +1122,109 @@ inferDeclGroup (Recursive ds) = do
-- types

-- kind checking. or not.
checkKind :: Type -> TI Type
checkKind = return
-- Look up a type constructor and return its params as a list of kinds.
lookupTyCon :: TyCon -> [Kind]
lookupTyCon tycon = case tycon of
TupleCon n -> genericTake n (repeat kindStar)
ArrayCon -> [kindStar]
FunCon -> [kindStar, kindStar]
StringCon -> []
TermCon -> []
TypeCon -> []
BoolCon -> []
IntCon -> []
BlockCon -> [kindStar, kindStar]
AIGCon -> []
CFGCon -> []
JVMSpecCon -> []
LLVMSpecCon -> []
MIRSpecCon -> []
ContextCon _ctx ->
-- XXX: while BlockCon exists, ContextCon has kind * and you
-- have to use BlockCon to paste a result type to a ContextCon.
-- (BlockCon should be removed. Then ContextCon has kind * -> *
-- like you'd expect.)

-- Check a type for validity and also for having the
-- correct kinding.
checkType :: Kind -> Type -> TI Type
checkType kind ty = case ty of
TyCon pos tycon args -> do
-- First, look up the constructor.
let params = lookupTyCon tycon
let nparams = length params
nargs = length args
argsleft = case kind of
Kind n -> n
if nargs > nparams then do
-- XXX special case for BlockCon (remove along with BlockCon)
case (tycon, args) of
(BlockCon, arg : _) ->
recordError pos ("Too many type arguments for type " ++
"constructor " ++ pShow arg ++
"; found " ++ show (nargs - 1) ++
" but expected only " ++ show (nparams - 1))
(_, _) ->
recordError pos ("Too many type arguments for type " ++
"constructor " ++ pShow tycon ++
"; found " ++ show nargs ++
" but expected only " ++ show nparams)
getErrorTyVar pos
else if nargs + argsleft /= nparams then do
recordError pos ("Kind mismatch: expected " ++ pShow kind ++
" but found " ++ (pShow $ Kind (nparams - nargs)))
getErrorTyVar pos
else do
-- note that this will ignore the extra params
args' <- zipWithM checkType params args
return $ TyCon pos tycon args'

TyRecord pos fields -> do
if kind /= kindStar then do
recordError pos ("Kind mismatch: expected " ++ pShow kind ++
" but found " ++ pShow kindStar)
getErrorTyVar pos
else do
-- Someone upstream had better have checked for duplicate
-- field names because we can't once the fields are loaded
-- into a map. (XXX: someone hasn't)
fields' <- traverse (checkType kindStar) fields
return $ TyRecord pos fields'

TyVar pos x -> do
typedefs <- TI $ asks typedefEnv
case M.lookup x typedefs of
Nothing -> do
recordError pos ("Unbound type variable " ++ x)
getErrorTyVar pos
Just _ty' ->
-- Assume ty' was checked when it was entered.
-- (If we entered it that's true, if it was in the
-- initial environment we were given that depends on the
-- interpreter not doing unfortunate things.)
-- For now at least we require typedefs to be kind *
-- (they can't have parameters and the expansions are so
-- restricted) so just fail if we use one in a context
-- expecting something else.
if kind /= kindStar then do
recordError pos ("Kind mismatch: expected " ++ pShow kind ++
" but found " ++ pShow kindStar)
getErrorTyVar pos
-- We do _not_ want to expand typedefs when checking,
-- so return the original TyVar.
return ty

TyUnifyVar _pos _ix ->
-- for now at least we don't track the kinds of unification vars
-- (types of mismatch kinds can't be the same types, so they
-- won't ever unify, so the possible mischief is limited) and all
-- possible unification var numbers are well formed, so we don't
-- need to do anything.
return ty

-- }}}

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