A collection of challenges I made for C++.
Challenge 1
- Write a program that outputs the largest possible signed/unsigned int number (char, short, int, long, long long)
- Without knowing the number of bits used internally in the system for each data type.
- Hints:
- Study the possible operators for whole numbers.
- The ~-Operator inverts all bits, making the maximum largest unsigned number of 0.
- For signed numbers one bit is used for the sign (two's complement representation).
- Solution
Challenge 2
- Write a program that requires three integers as input
- The first is meant as the beginning of a range of numbers
- The second as the end of the range
- The program should check if the third number is within the range including the limits
- Output a corresponding message
- Output an error message if the number for the beginning > the number for the end
- Solution
Challenge 3
- Write a program that requires three integers as input
- Output the biggest number of the three integers
- Solution
Challenge 4
- Write a program that requires an integer as input
- Create a loop that outputs a given number in binary
- Use bit operations to check which bits of the number are set
- Hints:
- Use the number 1, shifted by 0 to e.g. 31 bit positions, as a mask
- Possible results:
- 5 -> 00000000000000000000000000000101
- -5 -> 11111111111111111111111111111011
- Solution
Challenge 5
- Write a program that calculates the sum of all natural number from n1 to n2
- a) With a for loop
- b) With a while loop
- c) With a do while loop
- d) Without a loop
- Assume n2 >= n1
- Solution
Challenge 6
- Write a struct called Person:
- String Firstname
- String Lastname
- Int Age
- Use cin(input via keyboard) to assign values to the struct
- Output entered values via struct
- Solution
- Write a struct called Person:
Challenge 7
- Write a program that requires a string that represents a natural number and only consists of digits as input
- Example:
- "17462309"
- a) Convert the string to a number x of type long
- b) Calculate the checksum of z
- Output the converted number and the checksum
- Solution
Challenge 8
- Write a program that requires a natural number as input
- Convert the input to a Roman number
- const string CHARACTERS = "IVXLCDM"
- Syntax rules
- No digit except 'M' is allowed more than three times in a row
- Example
- Input: "4" = "IIII" is wrong
- Input: "4" = "IV" is right
- Output the converted number
- Solution
Challenge 9
- Write a program that can read any number in the range of -99 to +100(inclusive)
- The number range is divided into 10 equal large intervals
- Once a number outside the range is entered, end the input
- Output for each interval how many numbers have been entered
- Hints:
- Use const for -99, +100 and so on
- Use a vector to save the intervals
- Solution
Challenge 10
- Write a program that requires a natural number > 0
- If the number is even, divide by 2
- If not, multiply it by 3 and add 1
- If the resulting number is greater than 1, apply step a again
- If not, the process is finished
- Output every result from the algorithm
- Output every new biggest number and add a pause
- Output how many iterations were needed
- Solution
Challenge 11
- Write a program that prints the contents of a file in hexadecimal form
- First output 16 letters then the 16 associated hex codes per line
- Solution
Challenge 12
- Write a program that outputs statistics for a text file
- Example:
- Number of characters = 16437
- Number of words = 2526
- Number of lines = 220
- A word is defined as an uninterrupted sequence of character
- Umlauts do not count as characters because they are not part of ASCII
- The number of characters should not contain the end-of-line identifier
- Solution
Challenge 13
- Write a program that can read any number of entries from a file like below
- Example.txt
Bob Ross 123456 Kappa Pride 746453 Kappa Claus 6329430 #
- Use a struct named Student.
- It should contain the name and the associated student number as a string
- The data should be saved in a vector
- Output the contents of the vector
- Ask for a student number
- Output name(or "not found")
- Do step 2 again until the user enters 'x' or 'X'
- Solution
Challenge 14
- Write a program that requires 3 integers
- Ask for hours, minutes and seconds
- Create a function called ConvertToSeconds(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
- Convert the user input to seconds
- Output total seconds
- Solution
Challenge 15
- Write a program that requires 1 double and 1 int
- Ask for a double number and int exponent
- Create a function called power(x, y)
- Calculate the power with the function
- Output the result
- Solution
Challenge 16
- Write a program that requires a string
- Create a function called reverseString(String)
- Reverse the order of the characters in the string
- Output result
- Solution
Challenge 17
- Write a program that requires a string
- Create a function called isAlphanumerical(String)
- Return true if string only contains letters and digits
- Else return false
- Output result
- Solution
Challenge 18
- Write a template function getType(T)
- Use template specialisation to return the type of the parameter T as string
- Solution
Challenge 19
- Create a class called Person
- Attribute: Name, Age, Sex
- Methods: getName(), getAge(), getSex(), setName(), setAge(), setSex()
- Create enum class Sex
- Male, Female
- Create instance of Person with name = Kappa Pride, age = 1337, sex = male
- Output name and age of person
- Output name and sex of person
- Add 1 year to current age
- Output name and new age of person
- Change lastname to Claus
- Output new name
- Solution
- Create a class called Person
Challenge 20
- Create a class called IntAmount
- void add(int)
- void remove(int)
- bool isMember(int)
- std::size_t size()
- void display()
- void clear()
- int getMax()
- int getMin()
- To save values add vector
- Example usage:
IntAmount amount; amount.add(2); amount.add(-9); amount.add(2); amount.remove(99); amount.remove(-9); amount.display(); amount.clear(); for(int i = 17; i < 33; ++i) amount.add(i * i); std::cout << "Amount: " << amount.size() << " Minimum: " << amount.getMin() << '\n'; std::cout << "amount.isMember(1337) " << amount.isMember(1337) << '\n';
- Create a class called IntAmount
Challenge 21
- Write a function void strcopy(char* target, const char* source)
- Copy the content of the string source into the string target
- Overwrite the previous content of target
- It is required that target is big enough to copy source into target
- Solution
Challenge 22
- Write a function char* strDuplicate(const char* s)
- Create a duplicate of s with new
- Return a pointer to the beginning of the duplicate
- Solution
Challenge 23
- Write a program that sorts the array below in Alphabetical order
- Given is: const char *sField[]={"one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight",nine","ten"};
- Solution
Challenge 24
- Write a function void removeSpaces(char* s)
- Remove all spaces from s
- Example: "a bb ccc" = "abbccc"
- Use pointers
- Solution
- Write a function void removeSpaces(char* s)
Challenge 25
- Write a program that outputs file names defined from command line
- Example: Challenge25 file1.cpp XXX file2.cpp
- Output file1.cpp and file2.cpp in console
- If file XXX is not found output error message: "File XXX not found!"
- Solution
Challenge 26
- Write a program tat prints all names from a file
- It starts with a letter, then follow any number of letters and numbers
- Underscore also counts as a letter
- Solution
- Write a program tat prints all names from a file
Challenge 27
- Write a class Format
- Formatting numbers
- Automatically extend width to avoid information loss
- Example usage:
Format f(12, 3); //Output 12 characters wide, 3 decimal places std::cout << f.toString(789,906625) << '\n'; //= SSSSS789,907 | S = empty space std::cout << f.toString(-123456789.906625) << '\n'; //= -123456789,907
- Write a class Format
Challenge 28
- Simulate a party
- Example
int main() { Member otto("Otto"); Member andrea("Andrea"); Member jens("Jens"); Member silvana("Silvana"); Member miriam("Miriam"); Member paul("Paul"); //Vector with memory addresses std::vector<Member*> all {&otoo, &andrea, &jens, &silvana, &miriam, &paul}; andrea.getsToKnow(jens); silvana.getsToKnow(otto); paul.getsToKnow(otto); paul.getsToKnow(silvana); miriam.getsToKnow(andrea); jens.getsToKnow(miriam); jens.getsToKnow(silvana); if(jens.knows(andrea)) std::cout << "Jens knows Andrea" << '\n'; //Output of all members indicating who knows whom: for(auto memberPtr : all) { std::cout << memberPtr->giveName() << " knows: "; memberPtr->printKnown(); } }
- Create class Member
- getsToKnow(Member&) //To get to know each other
- knows(Member&)
- giveName()
- void printKnown()
- std::vectorstd::string known
- "alex.getsToKnow(alex);" should be ignored
- Vector<Member*>
- Use it to output names and known
- Point to the original object with pointers
- Hint:
- Comparison of the addresses of two objects shows whether they are identical
- Copies can be the same, but they are different objects
- Solution
- Simulate a party
Challenge 29
- Write a stack template called MyStack
- Use a std::vector object as container for data
- Solution
- Write a stack template called MyStack
Challenge 30
- Write a class called Person
- Abstract
- std::string Firstname
- std::string Lastname
- getLastname()
- getFirstname()
- toString() //Return Firstname + Lastname
- class Student
- Inherit Person
- std::string StudentNumber
- toString() //Return Firstname + Lastname + StudentNumber
- getStudentNumber()
- setStudentNumber()
- class Professor
- Inherit Person
- std::string SubjectArea
- toString() //Return Firstname + Lastname + SubjectArea
- getSubjectArea()
- setSubjectArea()
- Example usage:
std::vector<Person*> people; people.push_back(new Student("Pride", "Kappa", "635374")); people.push_back(new Professor("Respect", "Dr. Dis", "Killing")); people.push_back(new Student("Ross", "Bob", "123429")); for(auto personPtr : people) std::cout << personPtr->getFirstname() << '\n'; for(auto personPtr : peolple) std::cout << perosnPtr->toString() << '\n';
- Example output:
Kappa Pride Dr. Dis Bob Student Kappa Pride, Stud.No.: 635374 Prof. Dr. Dis Respect, Subject area: Killing Student Bob Ross, Stud.No.: 123429
- Write a class called Person
Challenge 31
- Create a program that asks for the users name, age and nickname
- Output the information back in format:
Your name is ..., you are ... years old and your username is ...
- Extra challenge: Save the information in a file for later access.
- Solution
Challenge 32
- Create a program that will guess numbers between 1-100 and respond appropriately based on whether the user says that the number is too high or too low.
- Example output:
Is your number ...? (Y)es, it's (h)igher, it's (l)ower
- Extra challenge: Make the starting value random.
- Solution
Challenge 33
- Create a programm that calculates F = M * A
- Example output:
What is the acceleration? ... What is the mass? ... The Force is ...
- Example output(Extra Challenge):
What would you like to calculate? Type F for force, M for mass, or A for acceleration: ... The force/mass/acceleration is ...
- Extra challenge: Also add functionality to calculate mass or acceleration
- Solution