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Fork Notes

This ia a fork of olefredrik's FoundationPress. Please find original here:

This fork will mostly be used as a place to keep my most used modifications and templates.

There will be significant focus on implementing Advanced Custom Fields features.


This project requires Node.js v4.x.x to be installed on your machine. Please be aware that you may encounter problems with the installation if you are using v5.1.0 with all the latest features.

FoundationPress uses Sass (CSS with superpowers). In short, Sass is a CSS pre-processor that allows you to write styles more effectively and tidy.

The Sass is compiled using libsass, which requires the GCC to be installed on your machine. Windows users can install it through MinGW, and Mac users can install it through the Xcode Command-line Tools.


1. Clone the repository and install with npm

Note: You can change ThemeFolder to something more meaningful such as the project name or leave out completely to use the default name FoundationPress.

$ cd my-wordpress-folder/wp-content/themes/
$ git clone ThemeFolder && cd $_
$ npm install

Optional Reminders

The following tips are completly optional but I leave them here as reminder to myself for new installation of WordPress.

#####I. Change the WordPress Administrator User ID

By changing the WordPress administrator user ID you are protecting your WordPress from targeted attacks.

Connect to your WordPress database using the MySQL command line tool or the web based phpMyAdmin and execute the below queries on the WordPress database:

UPDATE wp_users SET ID = 1024 WHERE ID = 1;
UPDATE wp_usermeta SET user_id = 1024 WHERE user_id = 1;


Tip: Always specify a high value for the new WordPress administrator ID. The higher the value is the less chances of it being discovered and the longer an attack will take.

#####II. Change the Default WordPress Uploads Folder

Open your wp-config.php file, locoed at the root of your WordPress installation, and add the following snippet:

define('UPLOADS', 'assets');

Make sure you add this code before the line:



2. While you're working on your project, run:

$ npm run watch

If you want to take advantage of browser-sync (automatic browser refresh when a file is saved), simply open your Gulpfile.js and put your local dev-server address (e.g localhost) in this field var URL = ''; , save the Gulpfile and run

$ npm run watch

3. For building all the assets, run:

$ npm run build

Build all assets minified and without sourcemaps:

$ npm run production

4. For packaging everything with node requiremnts, run:

$ npm run build

Build all assets minified and without sourcemaps:

$ npm run package

Get packaged zip in ThemeFolder/packages

Fork Differences


All extra sass is found in the ThemeFolder/assets/scss/theme/ folder. All includes are added to the file in here theme.scss. In turn, this is added to ThemeFolder/assets/scss/foundation.scss. This is only change made olefredrik's scss.

// Custom
@import "theme/theme";


As recommended in the the parent repository, all custom scripts are kept in assets/javascript/custom/. All frontend scripts added by this fork begin with an underscore.

The most important script here is _form-builder.js. This controls the client side for Form Builder WordPress template.

There are additional scripts that can be loaded by the WordPress backend. These are located in assets/javascript/theme/.

Included Libraries:


Magnific Popup is a responsive lightbox & dialog script with focus on performance and providing best experience for user with any device (for jQuery or Zepto.js).


Google Maps API: Allows users add Google maps using ACF. The event listner for google maps is located in template-parts/_google-maps.js.php and looded inline by footer.php.



Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible.

Used to keep the topbar sticky, even if there is content above it.


WordPress Function Library

This is the big one. Directory structure shown below. More to follow

├── __acf-load-post-types-into-select.php
├── _add-custom-admin-js.php
├── _add-tips-metabox.php
├── _add-wp-admin-theme-customizations-js.php
├── _admin-notices.php
├── _change-menu-order-for-pages.php
├── _custom-dashboard-widget.php
├── _featured-image.php
├── _google-maps-api.php
├── _login-page-mods.php
├── _navigation.php
├── _remove-add-media-buttons.php
├── _remove-admin-dashboard-widgets.php
├── _remove-comments-menu-item.php
├── _remove-comments-support.php
├── _remove-footer-admin.php
├── _remove-tools-menu-item.php
├── _rename-posts-in-menu.php
├── _select2.php
├── _set-wordpress-admin-area-color-scheme.php
├── _slug-text.php
├── _tiny-mce.php
├── _wordpress-greeting.php
├── _wp-post-format-theme-support.php
├── acf
│   ├── _acf-cpt-team-profile.json
│   ├── _acf-cpt-team-profile.php
│   ├── _acf-function-form-builder.json
│   ├── _acf-function-form-builder.php
│   ├── _acf-function-test-pages-notes.php
│   ├── _contact-page-additional-fields.json
│   ├── _contact-page-additional-fields.php
│   ├── _flexible-content-v1.0.json
│   ├── _flexible-content-v1.0.php
│   ├── _flexible-content-v1.1.json
│   ├── _flexible-content-v1.1.php
│   ├── _flexible-content.json
│   ├── _flexible-content.php
│   ├── _include-sidebar-options-in-functions-file.php
│   ├── _page-layout-settings.json
│   ├── _page-layout-settings.php
│   ├── _page-sidebar-settings.json
│   ├── _page-sidebar-settings.php
│   ├── _post-additional-fields.json
│   ├── _post-additional-fields.php
│   ├── _post-format-gallery.json
│   ├── _post-format-gallery.php
│   ├── _post-format-video.json
│   ├── _post-format-video.php
│   ├── _sidebar-option-company-details.json
│   ├── _sidebar-option-company-details.php
│   ├── _sidebar-option-contact-details.json
│   ├── _sidebar-option-contact-details.php
│   ├── _sidebar-option-contact-numbers.json
│   ├── _sidebar-option-contact-numbers.php
│   ├── _sidebar-option-location.php
│   ├── _sidebar-option-logos-images.json
│   ├── _sidebar-option-logos-images.php
│   ├── _sidebar-option-social-media.json
│   ├── _sidebar-option-social-media.php
│   ├── _sidebar-options-opening-hours.php
│   ├── _test-pages-notes.json
│   ├── _test-pages-notes.php
│   ├── _testimonial-additonal-fields.json
│   ├── _testimonial-additonal-fields.php
│   ├── _testimonials-repeater.json
│   ├── _testimonials-repeater.php
│   ├── _widget-sidebar-menu-settings.json
│   ├── _widget-sidebar-menu-settings.php
│   ├── _widget-tester.json
│   ├── _widget-tester.php
│   ├── _widget-text-image-box.json
│   ├── _widget-text-image-box.php
│   └── hero_image_acf-export-2016-03-29.json
├── admin-bar-wordpress-logo
│   ├── _rebranding-wordpress-logo.php
│   ├── _remove-wp-logo-from-admin-bar.php
│   ├── brightlight_text-xs.png
│   └── logo.png
├── custom-post-types
│   ├── __custom-post-type-title-placeholder.php
│   ├── _team.json
│   ├── _team.php
│   ├── _testimonial.json
│   └── _testimonial.php
├── login
│   ├── brightlight-logo.png
│   ├── login_styles.css
│   └── logo.png
├── posts-screen-columns
│   ├── _page.php
│   ├── _team.php
│   └── _testimonial.php
├── widgets
│   ├── sidebar-menu-widget
│   │   ├── _sidebar-menu-widget-function.php
│   │   └── _sidebar-menu-widget.php
│   ├── test-widget
│   │   ├── _test-widget-function.php
│   │   └── _test-widget.php
│   ├── text-and-image-box-widget
│   │   ├── _image.php
│   │   ├── _text-and-image-box-widget-function.php
│   │   └── _text-and-image-box-widget.php
│   └── text-widget
│       ├── _text-widget-function.php
│       └── _text-widget.php
└── wp-admin-color-themes
    ├── _restrict-users-from-changeing-admin-theme.php
    ├── _set-wordpress-admin-area-color-scheme-based-on-role.php
    ├── _set-wordpress-admin-area-color-scheme.php
    ├── _wp-admin-color-themes.php
    └── colors
        ├── _admin.scss
        ├── _mixins.scss
        ├── _variables.scss
        ├── aubergine
        │   ├── colors-rtl.css
        │   ├── colors.css
        │   └── colors.scss
        ├── brightlight
        │   ├── colors-rtl.css
        │   ├── colors.css
        │   ├──
        │   └── colors.scss
        ├── flat
        │   ├── colors-rtl.css
        │   ├── colors.css
        │   └── colors.scss
        └── primary
            ├── colors-rtl.css
            ├── colors.css
            └── colors.scss


This is a general WordPress note and is not related to the theme. The following code should be placed in wp-config.php in the root directory.

$debug=true;// Turn on/off Wordpress debugging (and log it in debug.log)
if($debug) {
    // Turn debugging on
    define('WP_DEBUG', true);

    // Tell WordPress to log everything to /wp-content/debug.log
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

    // Turn off the display of error messages on your site
    define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);

    // For good measure, you can also add the follow code, which will hide errors from being displayed on-screen
    @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
else {
    define('WP_DEBUG', false);


A copy of the fork of olefredrik's FoundationPress







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