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Gaurav Walia edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 3 revisions

☁️ USAGE IN C (:octocat: LINUX / MAC :octocat:)

1. Download ZIP and extract or clone the repository using

git clone

2. Navigate to download or cloning place folder(Open terminal and follow commands)

cd ~
cd Downloads
cd RAINBOW-master || cd RAINBOW
cd src/C

3. To see usage of rainbow type


4. If U want to use in your code than create a file with extension of c (hello.c) there. Write the code given below


touch hello.c

Open file hello.c in Text Editor and write code given below:

 #include "rainbow.h" //including rainbow
 #include <stdio.h>
 int main()
 	printf("%sThis is a green color",GREEN); //this will print green color text

5. Compile and Run using commands

gcc hello.c -o hello