#printThis Printing plug-in for jQuery
- Print specific & multiple DOM elements
- Preserve page CSS/styling ** or add new CSS; the world is your oyster!
- Preserve form entries
really 'Issues'
- canvas/svg elements such as map routes are not preserved
$('#kitty-one, #kitty-two, #kitty-three').printThis({
importCSS: false,
loadCSS: "",
header: "<h1>Look at all of my kitties!</h1>"
debug: false, * show the iframe for debugging
importCSS: true, * import page CSS
importStyle: false, * import style tags
printContainer: true, * grab outer container as well as the contents of the selector
loadCSS: "path/to/my.css", * path to additional css file - us an array [] for multiple
pageTitle: "", * add title to print page
removeInline: false, * remove all inline styles from print elements
printDelay: 333, * variable print delay; depending on complexity a higher value may be necessary
header: null, * prefix to html
formValues: true * preserve input/form values
- "It's not working" without any details is not a valid issue and will be closed
- A url, or html file, is neccessary to debug. Due to the complexities of printing and this plugin, an example is the best way to debug
- When troubleshooting, set
debug: true
and inspect the iframe - Every user should be active in the debugging process
- Look at more efficient form field value persist
- Look at alternative to setTimeout ($.deferred?)