GenLite installation instructions
- Install TamperMonkey(All Browsers) in your browser of choice.
- Change Tampermonkey Inject Mode
- Go to Tampermonkey -> Dashboard -> Settings tab
- At the top, change Config Mode to "Advanced"
- At the bottom under Experimental, change Inject Mode to "Instant"
- Click here to install GenLite
- Enjoy! GenLite should automatically update whenever there is a new version. We will announce new versions in our discord server.
Join us on Discord:
The main file to run as a UserScript can be found in the "dist" folder.
The file "userscript-banner.txt" can be edited with new version numbers and other userscript specific metadata.
This repository contains submodules as such, when cloning normally git clone
will need to be followed by git submodule init
and git submodule update
Alternatively you can make the initial clone with git clone --recurse-submodules
to automatically pull in the submodules.
This project uses JSDoc
To generate the latest documentation run:
npm run docs
This project uses Node.JS v18.12.1
This project is built using Webpack
Commands can be found in package.json for building or running the project.
To install Node.JS dependencies from package.json run:
npm i
To build the project for development run:
npm run build:dev
Development builds are slightly less minimized and do not increment the genlite version number. This outputs two files the Loader (genlite.user.js), and a runable version of the Client ( To use the loader you will need to create a file in the root of the project named configStuff.json with the content
"repository_owner": "YOUR_GIT_USER_HERE"
which will point your loader to your github (or any other fork you put there)
Production runs of github are setup to be only ran though GitHub Actions. They generate a Loader with a userscript banner which will automatically get the correct urls to load the Client from the repo. However if you want to run these commands locally you have to set an env variable.
repoOwner = "YOUR_GIT_USER_HERE" && export repoOwner
Power Shell
$Env:repoOwner = "YOUR_GIT_USER_HERE"
As mentioned though the Loader will not work without the Client in a GitHub Repo, but you can add a user script banner to the Client manually.
npm run build:prodbeta
npm run build:prodrelease
If you're using a well known IDE, we suggest enabling coding assistance for Node.JS.