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Finance Management API

A backend repository for the finance management system.

Table of Contents

Tech Stack

  • Language: TypeScript TypeScript
  • Runtime: Bun Bun
  • Package Manager: Bun Bun
  • Auth: Lucia Auth Lucia Auth
  • Database: PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
  • ORM/ODM: Drizzle Drizzle
  • Testing: Bun Bun
  • Documentation: OpenAPI/Scalar OpenAPI Scalar
  • Containerization: Docker Docker Docker Compose Docker Compose

To Setup Locally

  • This project uses Bun as its package manager. You need to have Bun installed on your system.
  • To install Bun, follow the official guide at
git clone # Clone the repo
cd finance-management-api # Navigate to the cloned folder
bun install # Install necessary dependencies using Bun package manager
bun dev # Start the server in development mode

🐳 Docker Development Setup

This project uses Docker for both development and production environments. Below are the instructions to get started.


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine
  • Make (usually pre-installed on macOS/Linux)

Available Make Commands

# Show all available commands
make help

# Development Commands
make dev-build    # Build development environment
make dev-up       # Start development environment
make dev-down     # Stop development environment

# Production Commands
make build        # Build production environment
make up           # Start production environment
make down         # Stop production environment
make restart      # Restart the application

# Utility Commands
make logs         # View logs from all containers
make ps           # List running containers
make shell        # Open a shell in the API container
make migrate      # Run database migrations
make clean        # Stop containers, remove volumes, and prune system

Quick Start (Development)

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Copy the environment file:

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Start the development environment:

    make dev-build
    make dev-up

The application will be available at http://localhost:8998

Development Notes

  • The development environment includes hot reloading. Any changes to the source code will automatically reflect in the running application.
  • When adding new dependencies (bun add <package>), you'll need to rebuild the containers:
    make dev-down
    make dev-build
    make dev-up


  • PostgreSQL is available at localhost:5432
  • Default credentials (development):
    User: root
    Password: root
    Database: finance-management-api-dev
  • Migrations are run automatically when the container starts


If you encounter any issues:

  1. Clean Docker resources:

    make clean
  2. Rebuild everything:

    make rebuild
  3. Check logs:

    make logs

Test Environment Setup

  1. Create a test environment file:

    cp .env.example .env.test
  2. Update the .env.test file with the following configurations:

  3. When running tests, the application will automatically use .env.test configuration:

    bun run test

Note: The test database will be automatically created and migrated when running tests.

Production Deployment

For production deployment:

make build
make up

Note: Make sure to set appropriate environment variables for production use.

Check API Documentation

  • The API documentation is available at {{API_URL}}/reference

Database Migrations

If the schema is added/updated, you need to generate and apply the migrations:

bun db:generate # Generates the migration
bun db:migrate # Applies the migration


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.