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david-blasby committed May 21, 2020
1 parent 6c2423e commit f84ebf9
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Showing 3 changed files with 278 additions and 134 deletions.
175 changes: 137 additions & 38 deletions bridgestyle/mapboxgl/
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Expand Up @@ -4,44 +4,115 @@

from ..qgis import togeostyler

import tempfile

_warnings = []
_source_name = "vector-source"

_processTextSymbolizer = False

def convertGroup(group, qgis_layers, baseUrl, workspace, name):
obj = {"version": 8, "glyphs": "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", "name": name, "sources": {
_source_name: {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": [
tileURLFull(baseUrl, workspace, name)
"minZoom": 0,
"maxZoom": 20 # todo: might be able to determine these from style
}, "layers": []}
obj = {"version": 8,
"glyphs": "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"name": name,
"sources": {
_source_name: {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": [
tileURLFull(baseUrl, workspace, name)
"minZoom": 0,
"maxZoom": 20 # todo: might be able to determine these from style
"sprite": spriteURLFull(baseUrl, workspace, name),
"layers": []

geostylers = {}
mapboxstyles = {}
mblayers = []
allSprites = {}

# build geostyler and mapbox styles
for layername in group["layers"]:
layer = qgis_layers[layername]
geostyler, icons, warnings = togeostyler.convert(layer)
geostyler, icons, sprites, warnings = togeostyler.convert(layer)
allSprites.update(sprites) # combine/accumulate sprites
geostylers[layername] = geostyler
mbox, mbWarnings, obj2 = convert(geostyler)
mapboxstyles[layername] = obj2

obj["layers"] = mblayers

return json.dumps(obj, indent=4), _warnings, obj
return json.dumps(obj, indent=4), _warnings, obj, toSpriteSheet(allSprites)

from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QSize, Qt
from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QColor, QImage, QPainter
NO_ICON = "no_icon"
from ..qgis.togeostyler import spriteSize

# allSprites ::== sprite name -> {"image":Image, "image2x":Image}
def toSpriteSheet(allSprites):
if allSprites:
height = spriteSize
width = spriteSize * len(allSprites)
img = QImage(width, height, QImage.Format_ARGB32)
img2x = QImage(width * 2, height * 2, QImage.Format_ARGB32)
painter = QPainter(img)
painter2x = QPainter(img2x)
spritesheet = {NO_ICON: {"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"pixelRatio": 1}}
spritesheet2x = {NO_ICON: {"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"pixelRatio": 1}}
x = 0
for name, _sprites in allSprites.items():
s = _sprites["image"]
s2x = _sprites["image2x"]
painter.drawImage(x, 0, s)
painter2x.drawImage(x * 2, 0, s2x)
spritesheet[name] = {"width": s.width(),
"height": s.height(),
"x": x,
"y": 0,
"pixelRatio": 1}
spritesheet2x[name] = {"width": s2x.width(),
"height": s2x.height(),
"x": x * 2,
"y": 0,
"pixelRatio": 2}
x += s.width()
folder = "/Users/ddd/delme/", "spriteSheet.png")), "[email protected]"))
with open(os.path.join(folder, "spriteSheet.json"), 'w') as f:
json.dump(spritesheet, f)
with open(os.path.join(folder, "[email protected]"), 'w') as f:
json.dump(spritesheet2x, f)

return {"img": img, "img2x": img2x, "json": json.dumps(spritesheet), "json2x": json.dumps(spritesheet2x)}

return None

def convert(geostyler):
global _warnings
_warnings = []
layers = processLayer(geostyler)
layers.sort(key=lambda l: l["Z"])
obj = {
"version": 8,
"glyphs": "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,10 +148,19 @@ def tileURLFull(baseurl, workspace, layer):
"&TILEMATRIXSET=EPSG:900913&FORMAT=application/x-protobuf;type=mapbox-vector&TILECOL={{x}}&TILEROW={{y}}" \
.format(baseurl, workspace, layer)

def spriteURLFull(baseurl, workspace, layer):
return "{0}/styles/{1}/spriteSheet" \
.format(baseurl, workspace, layer)

def _toZoomLevel(scale):
if scale < 1: # scale=0 is valid in QGIS
return 24 # 24 is largest value (according to mapbox spec)
val = int(math.log(1000000000 / scale, 2))
#val = int(math.log(1000000000 / scale, 2))
# and experimentation
val = (math.log(279581257 / scale, 2))

return min(max(val, 0), 24) # keep between 0 and 24

Expand All @@ -103,7 +183,7 @@ def processRule(rule, source, ruleNumber):
if "scaleDenominator" in rule:
scale = rule["scaleDenominator"]
if "max" in scale:
minzoom = _toZoomLevel(scale["max"]) # mapbox gl has maxzoom as the larger zoom number
minzoom = max(_toZoomLevel(scale["max"]), 0) # mapbox gl has maxzoom as the larger zoom number
if "min" in scale:
maxzoom = _toZoomLevel(scale["min"]) # mapbox gl has minzoom as the smaller zoom number
name = rule.get("name", "rule")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,6 +279,10 @@ def processSymbolizer(sl):
if geom is not None:
_warnings.append("Derived geometries are not supported in mapbox gl")

for s in symbolizer:
if s: # might be None
s["Z"] = sl["Z"]

return symbolizer

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,34 +385,49 @@ def _iconSymbolizer(sl):
paint = {}
paint["icon-image"] = path
paint["icon-rotate"] = rotation
size = _symbolProperty(sl, "size", 16) / 64.0
paint["icon-size"] = size
return {"type": "symbol", "paint": paint}

def _markSymbolizer(sl):
shape = _symbolProperty(sl, "wellKnownName")
if shape.startswith("file://"):
svgFilename = shape.split("//")[-1]
name = os.path.splitext(svgFilename)[0]
paint = {}
paint["icon-image"] = name
rotation = _symbolProperty(sl, "rotate")
paint["icon-rotate"] = rotation
return {"type": "symbol", "paint": paint}
size = _symbolProperty(sl, "size")
opacity = _symbolProperty(sl, "opacity")
color = _symbolProperty(sl, "color")
outlineColor = _symbolProperty(sl, "strokeColor")
outlineWidth = _symbolProperty(sl, "strokeWidth")

paint = {}
paint["circle-radius"] = ["/", size, 2]
paint["circle-color"] = color
paint["circle-opacity"] = opacity
paint["circle-stroke-width"] = outlineWidth
paint["circle-stroke-color"] = outlineColor

return {"type": "circle", "paint": paint}
paint = {}
paint["icon-image"] = _symbolProperty(sl, "spriteName")

rotation = _symbolProperty(sl, "rotate")
paint["icon-rotate"] = rotation

size = _symbolProperty(sl, "size", 16) / 64.0
paint["icon-size"] = size
return {"type": "symbol", "layout": paint}
# if shape.startswith("file://"):
# svgFilename = shape.split("//")[-1]
# name = os.path.splitext(svgFilename)[0]
# paint = {}
# paint["icon-image"] = name
# rotation = _symbolProperty(sl, "rotate")
# paint["icon-rotate"] = rotation
# size = _symbolProperty(sl, "size", 16)/64.0
# paint["icon-size"] = size
# #paint["icon-rotate"] = rotation
# return {"type": "symbol", "layout": paint}
# else:
# size = _symbolProperty(sl, "size")
# opacity = _symbolProperty(sl, "opacity")
# color = _symbolProperty(sl, "color")
# outlineColor = _symbolProperty(sl, "strokeColor")
# outlineWidth = _symbolProperty(sl, "strokeWidth")
# paint = {}
# paint["circle-radius"] = ["/", size, 2]
# paint["circle-color"] = color
# paint["circle-opacity"] = opacity
# paint["circle-stroke-width"] = outlineWidth
# paint["circle-stroke-color"] = outlineColor
# return {"type": "circle", "layout": paint}

def _fillSymbolizer(sl):
Expand Down

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