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πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ Extremely Fast Static File Server


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sabo-tabby, read more, the only difference is that the background is a trans flag


Extremely Fast Static File Server

Code Of Conduct BSD-2-Clause ci action status

What is sabo-tabby?

I tend to mirror static files and sites to Tor and other networks but don't want to bother with setting up services or writing a server using a web framework every time.

At the same time, I want the extreme speed and safety of Crystal and a fully customizable experience from error & directory listing pages to logging format.

This is what sabo-tabby is - an extremely fast & customizable static file server.

sabo-tabby is a fork of Kemal but with all the framework parts stripped away.


Benchmarks, read for full benchmark results

Benchmarks were done using the wrk tool. Please don't take them too seriously, their only use is to show that it is indeed very fast. The frameworks it competes against offer a wide variety of functions and features. All benchmarks are in the benchmarks branch.



You can download one of the statically-linked pre-built binaries from the releases page.

They are built & published by our lovely actions.



  • crystal - 1.5.0


  • $ make (or $ make static on Alpine Linux for a static build)
  • # make install # to install it


$ shards build --production --no-debug --release -Dpreview_mt


sabo-tabby v1.1.0

Usage: sabo-tabby [arguments]

    sabo-tabby -f ./my_site/
    sabo-tabby -b -p 8080 -e flat -d ./dir_listing.mst -l ncsa
    sabo-tabby -c ./config.yaml

    -b HOST, --bind HOST             Host to bind [default:]
    -p PORT, --port PORT             Port to listen for connections [default: 1312]
    -f DIR, --public-folder DIR      Set which folder to server [default: ./]
    -c FILE, --config FILE           Load config from file
    --serve-hidden                   Enable serving hidden folders and files
    --licenses                       Shows the licenses of the app and its dependencies
    -h, --help                       Shows this help

    -s, --ssl                        Enables SSL
    --ssl-key-file FILE              SSL key file
    --ssl-cert-file FILE             SSL certificate file

    -e THEME, --error-page-theme THEME
                                     Either error page theme or path to custom mustache file [available: Boring, Default, Gradient, Tqila] [default: Default]
    -d THEME, --dir-listing-theme THEME
                                     Either dir listing theme or path to custom mustache file [available: Default, Flat, Gradient, Material] [default: Default]
    -l STYLE, --logger-style STYLE   Log style [available: Default, Extended, Kemal, NCSA, NCSA_Extended] [default: Default]

    --no-logging                     Disable logging
    --no-emoji                       Disable emojis in log
    --no-colors                      Disable colored output (already disabled in non-tty)

    --no-server-header               Disable the 'Server' header
    --no-gzip                        Disable gzip
    --no-dir-index                   Disable serving /index.html on /
    --no-dir-listing                 Disable directory listing
    --no-error-page                  Disable custom error page


You can load your config from a file.

If no arguments are provided when running sabo-tabby, it will automatically try to load it from one of the following: ./sabo-tabby.yml, ./sabotabby.yml, ./sabo.tabby.yaml.

If the config file is in a different path or with a different name, you can point at it with the -c option.

Read ./sabo.tabby.yaml for an example config.


Error Page
Theme Screenshot
Default (light) 404 page, white background, centered column, at the top the status code 404 is shown with in red color, below it the message 'not found' in black color and below it a button with the label 'Go home' underlined in black color, at the bottom right corner a silhouette of a black cat directly looking at the user
Default (dark) 404 page, dark grey background, centered column, at the top the status code 404 is shown in pastel yellow color, below it the message 'not found' in white color and below it a button with the label 'Go home' underlined in white color, at the bottom right corner a silhouette of a white cat directly looking at the user
Boring (light) 404 page, light blue background, left column, at the top the status code 404 is shown in white color, below it the message 'not found' in white color and below it a button with the label 'Go home' in black color inside a square white background, at the bottom right corner a silhouette of a white cat directly looking at the user
Boring (dark) 404 page, dark blue background, left column, at the top the status code 404 is shown in white color, below it the message 'not found' in white color and below it a button with the label 'Go home' in black color inside a square white background, at the bottom right corner a silhouette of a white cat directly looking at the user
Gradient (light) 404 page, gradient background of light green top left to white bottom right, center column, at the top the status code 404 is shown in black color, below it the message 'not found' in black color and below it a button with the label 'Go home' in white color inside a pill shaped black background, at the bottom right corner a silhouette of a black cat directly looking at the user
Gradient (dark) 404 page, gradient background of magenta top left to purple bottom right, center column, at the top the status code 404 is shown in white color, below it the message 'not found' in white color and below it a button with the label 'Go home' in black color inside a a pill shaped white background, at the bottom right corner a silhouette of a white cat directly looking at the user
TQILA 404 page, pastel pink background, center column, at the top the status code 404 is shown in black color, below it the message 'not found' in black color and below it a button with the label 'Go home' underlined in black color, at the bottom right corner a silhouette of a black cat directly looking at the user

Directory Listing
Theme Screenshot
Default (light) directory listing page, white background, at the top theres a centered header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in black color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in pastel red color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a grey border and rounded edges, inside each card theres a label in black color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered, the border and the label change color to a pastel red one
Default (dark) directory listing page, dark grey background, at the top theres a centered header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in white color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in pastel yellow color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a grey border and rounded edges, inside each card theres a label in white color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered, the border and the label change color to a pastel yellow one
Flat (light) directory listing page, light blue background, at the top theres a left header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in white color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in white color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a white background and sharp edges, inside each card theres a label in black color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered it gets a shadow below it giving the impression of floating
Flat (dark) directory listing page, dark blue background, at the top theres a left header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in white color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in white color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a white background and sharp edges, inside each card theres a label in black color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered it gets a shadow below it giving the impression of floating
Gradient (light) directory listing page, gradient background of top left orange-purple to bottom right yellow, at the top theres a left header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in black color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in washed dark blue color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a grey border and sharp edges, inside each card theres a label in black color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered, the border and the label change color to a washed dark blue one
Gradient (dark) directory listing page, gradient background of top light blue to bottom dark blue, at the top theres a left header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in white color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in light orange color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a grey border and sharp edges, inside each card theres a label in white color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered, the border and the label change color to a light orange one
Material (light) directory listing page, light green background, at the top theres a centered header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in black color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in darker green color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a darker green background, are pill shaped and have a shadow underneath them giving them a floating effect, inside each card theres a label in white color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered, the shadow gets removed, the label changes color to black, the background changes color to the same as the page background and it gets a border with a darker green color
Material (dark) directory listing page, dark green background, at the top theres a centered header with the label 'Directory listing for /' in white color, underneath it theres a horizontal line in lighter green color, below it theres a grid of 3 columns of cards, cards have a lighter green background, are pill shaped and have a shadow underneath them giving them a floating effect, inside each card theres a label in white color with the name of the file or folder it represents, all files are named in the format of cake_recipe_{1-12} and folders are named in the format of stuff{1-7}, next to the folder label theres a folder emoji and next to the file one a file emoji, when a card gets hovered, the shadow gets removed, the background changes color to the same as the page background and it gets a border with a lighter green color

Loading custom themes using Crustache

You can create custom themes using Mustache templates.

To set a Mustache file as the theme of error or directory listing pages, just pass it's path to -e or -d respectfully(?) e.g. -e ./error.mustache -d ./pages/dir.html.

A model is passed to each one that contains data about the page:


# The error code
status_code : Int32

# The error message
message : String

Directory Listing

# The directory that is being listed
request_path : String

# A hash with the items "path" for file name, "file" for whether it is a file or not and "href" for the URI encoded file path
entries : Hash(String, String | Bool)
<br />
<br />
<a href="{{href}}">
<br />

Logging styles

  • Default
[2022-07-16 16:37:43 UTC] [] [200] [GET] [/] [228.33Β΅s]
  • Extended
[2022-07-16 16:37:43 UTC] [] [200] [GET] [/] [/] [compressed] [-] [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0] [228.33Β΅s]
  • Kemal
2022-07-16 16:37:43 UTC 200 GET / 228.33Β΅s - - [16/Jul/2022:19:37:43 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 0 - - [16/Jul/2022:19:37:43 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0"



  • Themes should not depend on external assets like fonts, images and styles (unless they can be embedded).
  • Themes should pass performance and accessibility on Lighthouse.
  • Themes should be responsive.
  • Theme styles should be minified before pushing.


  • Flag names should be descriptive and easy to remember.
  • Config file should support all flags.
  • If a flag support paths as input, they should be relative to the config if read from config.



  1. Read the Code of Conduct
  2. Fork it (
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


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