Geo Visualisation Components is an experimental web-visualisation library for geospatial data. In early development by Geospatial Research Institute Toi Hanagarau and written in TypeScript.
The library is not yet fully featured and is not ready for production use.
- Node.JS / npm (Node Package Manager)
- Cesium access token (API token to retrieve map data from Cesium)
See Digital Twins for an example of a Vue app using this library.
Install geo-visualisation-components:
npm install geo-visualisation-components
Configure WebPack to copy Cesium assets into the public served folder. See Digital Twins/visualisation/vue.config.js for an example of this.
Note: This library defaults CESIUM_BASE_URL to './', if you change this then you will have to change the file structure shown in the config file and vice versa.
├──build/ Configuration files for building the library from source
├──dev/ Small example Vue app used for testing and development
├──dist/ Built library files
├──public/ Assets to be served. Some of these are auto-generated in the build stage.
└──src/ Library souce
└───components/ Reusable Vue Components. One or many components can make a webpage
Please see our Issue Tracker for details on coming features and additions to the software.
There is no current expectations of contributions to this project. We accept input in code reviews now. If you would like to be involved in the project, please contact the maintainer.
Maintainer: Luke Parkinson @LukeParky [email protected]