A small collection of functions used in my projects working with curl.
In order to use this functions, remember to include the static library libcurl_a.lib and to add the compile command -DCURL_STATICLIB.
To obtain the library, I followed this method (from this post on Stack Overflow):
- Add Visual Studio to the system PATH:
For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin. - Download current curl-X.zip from http://curl.haxx.se/download.html and unzip.
- Open command line at curl-X/winbuild.
- Call vcvars32.bat.
- Call nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=static VC=12 (change number to fit your version of Visual Studio).
- Go to curl-X/builds/libcurl-XXX. There you'll find the includes and the libcurl_a.lib.
You can use MACHINE=x64 with nmake to build an x64 lib.