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(Chen et al., 2020)
(Ebert et al., 2021)

Chen X., Liang L., Xu X., 2020, “Advances in converting of meat protein into functional ingredient via engineering modification of high pressure homogenization”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 106, 12—29.
Ebert S., Kaplan S., Brettschneider K., et al., 2021, “Aggregation behavior of solubilized meat - Potato protein mixtures”, Food Hydrocolloids, 113, 106388.

  • china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-numeric-pageout.csl 基础上修改,作者首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”,locator页码在括号外面,报纸为出版日期,不改变Zotero中Title大小写,类型将不显示OL,书籍的日期不显示,不显示URL,不显示DOI。


    [1] 本报记者 李昌禹. “决不让一个兄弟民族掉队”[N]. 人民日报, 2021–02–23(006).
    [2] 本书编写组. 党的十九届五中全会《建议》学习辅导百问[M]. 党建读物出版社 学习出版社, 2020.
    [3] Marcon A V, Caldara F R, De Oliveira G F, et al. Pork quality after electrical or carbon dioxide stunning at slaughter[J]. Meat Science, 2019, 156: 93–97.
    [4] 梁荣蓉, 李楠, 王仁欢, 等. 夏季类 PSE 鸡肉判定标准的建立及其品质特征[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2014, 40(8): 231–237.

  • 法学引注手册(2019年版)不完整版。

    存在问题:英文学位论文年后面应该为),现在显示为] 对于同样的是英文文献的,中国人姓名姓大写+名字,而外国人名+姓首字母大写。尚未找到解决方案。



    1 魏治勋、汪潇:《“法治中国”如何吸收和融通西方制度文化资源》,载《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2016年,第06期,第59–68页。
    2 同上。
    3 AALBERS Henrick et al.:Does pre‐packed bankruptcy create value? An empirical study of postbankruptcy employment retention in The Netherlands, International Insolvency Review 320, 320–339 (2019).
    4 Id.
    5 NEUSTADTER Gary:2006: A Consumer Bankruptcy Odyssey, 39 Creighton Law Review 225, 225–355 (2006).
    6 许德风:《破产法论:解释与功能比较的视角》,北京大学出版社2015年版: 25。
    7 同上p.26。
    8 KEETON Robert E, WIDISS Alan I, FISCHER James M:Insurance law: A guide to fundamental principles, legal doctrines, and commercial Practices. 2nd edition. , West Academic Publishing2017: 25.
    9 Id.p.20.
    10 文秀峰:《个人破产法律制度研究》,中国政法大学2004年博士学位论文。
    11 同上p.20。
    12 LEE Chong Kyoon:Business failure and entrepreneurship: Three essays on the effects of the cost of Failure, (Syracuse University 2017).
    13 Id.p.20.

  • 网友李刚[email protected])分享,中南财经政法大学硕博论文样式,中文文献排在前面,英文文献排在后面(需要在条目中将language英文设为en,中文为中文,否则无法实现按语言排序)。支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”


    (Berhe et al, 2014)
    (王越溪和王鹏, 2018)
    (庞之列等, 2014)
    (He et al, 2013)

    [1] 王越溪, 王鹏. 鸡肉早餐肠加工技术研究进展[J]. 中国家禽, 2018, 40(23): 37–42.
    [2] 庞之列, 何栩晓, 李春保. 一种基于LF-NMR技术的不同含水量猪肉检测方法研究[J]. 食品科学, 2014(04): 142–145.
    [3] Berhe D T, Engelsen S B, Hviid M S, Lametsch R. Raman spectroscopic study of effect of the cooking temperature and time on meat Proteins[J]. Food Research International, 2014, 66: 123–131.
    [4] He H, Wu D, Sun D. Non-destructive and rapid analysis of moisture distribution in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets using visible and near-infrared hyperspectral Imaging[J]. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2013, 18: 237–245.

  • 网友洋芋[email protected])分享,西南大学硕博论文样式,正文中两个中文作者之间为“和”,英文作者为“and”。参考文献列表中文文献排在前面,英文文献排在后面(需要在条目中将language英文设为en,中文为中文,否则无法实现按语言排序)。英文期刊名称为斜体。支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”


    (杨赫鸿等, 2012)
    (ElMasry et al., 2011)
    (庞之列和何栩晓, 2014)
    (Gross et al., 2013)

    [1] 庞之列, 何栩晓. 一种基于LF-NMR技术的不同含水量猪肉检测方法研究[J]. 食品科学, 2014(04): 142-145.
    [2] 杨赫鸿, 李沛军, 孔保华, 等. 低场核磁共振技术在肉品科学研究中的应用[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012(13): 400-405.
    [3] ElMasry G, Sun D-W, Allen P. Non-destructive determination of water-holding capacity in fresh beef by using NIR hyperspectral Imaging[J]. Food Research International, 2011, 44(9): 2624-2633. DOI:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.05.001.
    [4] Gross J B, Furterer A, Carlson B M, et al. An Integrated Transcriptome-Wide Analysis of Cave and Surface Dwelling Astyanax Mexicanus[J]. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(2): e55659. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0055659.

  • 中华医学会系列杂志样式。[china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-numeric.csl]( 基础上修改,作者为大写,支持中文作者超过3个为`“等”`,英文为`“et al”`。英文期刊名称为缩写,缩写使用方法:在Word的Zotero工具条上点击`Document preferences`,选择`Chinese Medical Association(numeric, Chinese`后,点击`Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations`前的复选框,使之选中,则使用MEDLINE的缩写格式;如果这个缩写格式不适合,不要选中`Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations`,在`Zotero`中`Info`下面的`Journal Abbr`字段内填写杂志的缩写,则会调用自已填写的杂志缩写,`Juris—M`对杂志缩写处理选项更多。
    [1]   [2,3]   [4] 

    [1] GUDERLEY H, BLIER P. Thermal acclimation in fish: conservative and labile properties of swimming muscle[J]. Can. J. Zool., 2011, 66(5). DOI:10.1139/z88-162.
    [2] BANOVIC M, SVEINSDÓTTIR K. Importance of Being Analogue: Female Attitudes Towards Meat Analogue Containing Rapeseed Protein[J]. Food Control, 2021, 123: 107833. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107833.
    [3] 杨赫鸿, 李沛军, 孔保华, 等. 低场核磁共振技术在肉品科学研究中的应用[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012(13): 400–405.
    [4] ELMASRY G, SUN D-W, ALLEN P. Non-destructive determination of water-holding capacity in fresh beef by using NIR hyperspectral imaging[J]. Food Res. Int., 2011, 44(9): 2624–2633. DOI:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.05.001.

  • 《经济社会体制比较》样式,china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-author-date-aulower-bilan.csl基础上修改,文末中文文献在前,英文在后。作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”

    存在问题:英文期刊题目要求为所有实词单词首字母大写,但由于采用了两个layout,在csl中设置为text-case="capitalize-first"时 所有单词都会大写,设置为text-case="title"时仅第一个单词和最后一个单词大写,因此现在没有设置,大小写与ZoteroTitle字段相同。


    (王琰等, 2021)
    (唐霄等, 2019; Yang et al., 2015)
    (Cavanna et al., 2019) 
    (何宇超等, 2020)

    何宇超、程琪琪、吴莉等, 2020:“高压脉冲电场法提取耐辐射奇球菌中类胡萝卜素的研究”,《核农学报》,2020, 02: 315–321。
    唐霄、孙杨赢、江雪婷等, 2019:“不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析”,《食品科学》,2019, 22: 141–146。
    王琰、 曾新安、蔡锦林, 2021:“不同的终止发酵的方法制备低醇菠萝酒”,《现代食品科技》,2021: 1–7。
    Cavanna D., Zanardi S., Dall’Asta C., et al., 2019. “Ion mobility spectrometry coupled to gas chromatography: A rapid tool to assess eggs freshness.” Food Chemistry. 271: 691–696.
    Yang H., Han M., Wang X., et al., 2015. “Effect of high pressure on cooking losses and functional properties of reduced-fat and reduced-salt pork sausage emulsions.” Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 29(1): 125–133.

  • 武汉大学法学院硕博论文样式,网友许博[email protected])分享, 2chinese-law-journals.csl基础上修改。



    〔1〕 Peter Hay, Advanced Introduction to Private International Law and Procedure (Edward Elgar Publishing 2018).
    〔2〕 Antoinette Smith, Miriam F. Weismann, Are You Ready for Digital Currency?, 26 (1) Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance 17–21 (2014).

  • 《管理世界》样式《经济社会体制比较》基础上修改。

    存在问题:英文期刊题目要求为所有实词单词首字母大写,但由于采用了两个layout,在csl中设置为text-case="capitalize-first"时 所有单词都会大写,设置为text-case="title"时仅第一个单词和最后一个单词大写,因此现在没有设置,大小写与ZoteroTitle字段相同。


    (Chen et al., 2020)
    (Ebert et al., 2021)

    (3)Chen X., Liang L., Xu X., 2020, “Advances in converting of meat protein into functional ingredient via engineering modification of high pressure Homogenization”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 106, pp. 12~29.
    (4)Ebert S., Kaplan S., Brettschneider K., et al., 2021, “Aggregation behavior of solubilized meat - Potato protein Mixtures”, Food Hydrocolloids, 113, pp. 106388.

  • china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-author-date的修改版,网友牛耕田[email protected])分享,Raymond修改,作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”


(Zhang et al., 2020; 唐霄等, 2019; Wu et al., 2016; 朱磊等, 2020)

唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等, 2019. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 40(22): 141–146.
朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等, 2020. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 41(09): 362–367.
Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al., 2016. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal Processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(10): 3334–3341. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7512.
Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al., 2020. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic Simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.


1 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
2 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.
3 ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic Simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.
4 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7512.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.




[1] 徐娜, 石金明, 何伟俊, 等. 宰后成熟对鸡肉风味的影响研究进展[J]. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2021, 12(02): 727–732. DOI:10.19812/j.cnki.jfsq11-5956/ts.2021.02.057.
[2] Yang H, Tao F, Cao G, et al. Stability improvement of reduced-fat reduced-salt meat batter through modulation of secondary and tertiary protein structures by means of high pressure processing[J]. Meat Science, 2021: 108439. DOI:10.1016/j.meatsci.2021.108439.
[3] Dong M, Tian H, Xu Y, et al. Effects of pulsed electric fields on the conformation and gelation properties of myofibrillar proteins isolated from pale, soft, exudative (pse)-like chicken breast meat: A molecular dynamics study[J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 342: 128306. DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128306.
[4] 李先保, 韩敏义, 费英, 等. 低场NMR法研究微生物转谷氨酰酶对猪肉肌原纤维蛋白凝胶功能特性的影响: 03[J]. 南京农业大学学报, 2009, 32(03): 130–134.

  • 网友牛耕田[email protected])分享,支持中文3个作者显示为“等”,英文显示为“et al”,文章的题目大小写为Title格式(每个实词首字母大写)。



[1] ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic Simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] WU L, ZHAO W, YANG R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal Processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7512.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.

china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-author-date-aulower-bilan.csl的修改版,正文中题录两侧括号为中文括号(),作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”。文章的题目大小写使用Zotero中的Title字段。不显示URLDOI


(唐霄等, 2019; 朱磊等, 2020; Yang et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2016)

唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等, 2019. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 40(22): 141–146.
朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等, 2020. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 41(09): 362–367.
Yang H, Han M, Wang X, et al., 2015. Effect of high pressure on cooking losses and functional properties of Reduced-fat and reduced-salt pork sausage emulsions[J]. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 29.
Zhao X, Chen X, Han M, et al., 2016. Application of isoelectric solubilization/precipitation processing to improve gelation properties of protein isolated from pale, soft, exudative (PSE)-like chicken breast meat[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 72: 141–148.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
Tang X, Sun Y Y, Jiang X T, et al. Comparative analysis of flavor peptides prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of goosemeat with different proteases [J]. Food Science, 2019,40 (22): 141-146.

[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.
Zhu L, Zhang X X, Xie Y Y, et al. Research progress on mechanism of plastein reactions and its modification function of marine proteins [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41 (09): 362–367.

china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-numeric-aulower-bilan-nodoi.csl基础上修改,文献编号后面为空格,悬挂缩进一个单词,作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”。文章的题目大小写与Zotero中的Title字段一致,不显示URLDOI



[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.


[1] ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146
TANG X, SUN Y Y, JIANG X T, et al. Comparative analysis of flavor peptides prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of goosemeat with different proteases [J]. Food Science, 2019,40 (22): 141-146.

[3] WU L, ZHAO W, YANG R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367
ZHU L, ZHANG X X, XIE Y Y, et al. Research progress on mechanism of plastein reactions and its modification function of marine proteins [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41 (09): 362–367.

  • njau-thesis.csl 的修改版,适用于华中农业大学 学位论文,规则见,正文中为作者年代格式,文末列表为数字格式。 中文文献排在前面,英文文献排在后面(需要在条目中将language英文设为en,中文为中文,否则无法实现按语言排序)。作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过20个为“等”,英文为“et al”。文章的题目大小写与Zotero中的Title字段一致,不显示URLDOI。英文期刊名称为斜体,缩写(需要将期刊缩写放在Zotero条目InfoJournal Abbr的字段才会缩写)。待提供更多文献类型进行测试。


(杨赫鸿等 2012, Ebert et al 2021, He et al 2013)

(刘克德 1998)

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[1] ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation [J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] WU L, ZHAO W, YANG R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes [J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.

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