A Shake,Vibrate, Monitor Axis Flutter package.
OnAxisMonitor(List<double> axisThresholds: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], bool trace = false)
-- Stream/Sink class for a StreamBuilder.build() widget that returns AxisData that
describes shakes along each axis(x,y,z).
void closeListening(); // **MUST CALL** closes the StreamControllers
void startListening(); // Start listening for accelerometer events
void stopListening(); // Stop listening for accelerometer events
-- This class be a mix-in on a class
---- @override shakeEventListener(ShakeData data)
-- It can also be used a Stream/Sink instace
void closeListening(); // Closes the stream controller *MUST CALL*
void startListening(double shakeGravityThreshold = 2.7, Duration shakeDelta = 100ms, Duration shakeReset = 750ms
Duration vibrationDuration = null, bool trace = false);
shakeGravityThreshold - the larger the more vigorise the shake must be to product ShakeData
shakeDelta - small duration between processing accelerometer events to improve accuracy of shake counts
shakeReset - duration between measure the seperation between a shake to reset the shake count
vibrationDuration - if set, will vibrate the device on shake event
void stopListening(); // Stop listening for accelerometer events