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Time gap detector for AIS position messages.


  • ✅ Gaps detection core process.
  • ✅ Gaps detection pipeline.
    • ✅ command-line interface.
    • ✅ JSON inputs/outputs.
    • ✅ BigQuery inputs/outputs.
    • ✅ Apache Beam integration.
    • ✅ Incremental (daily) processing.
    • ✅ Full backfill processing.

Table of contents:


Not all AIS messages that are broadcast by vessels are recorded by receivers for technical reasons, such as signal interference in crowded waters, spatial variability of terrestrial reception, spatial and temporal variability of satellite reception, and dropped signals as vessels move from terrestrial coverage to areas of poor satellite reception. So, as a result, it’s not uncommon to see gaps in AIS data, for hours or perhaps even days [1].

Other causes of AIS gaps are:

  • The AIS transponder is turned off or otherwise disabled while at sea.
  • The AIS transponder has a malfunction.
  • The ships systems are powered off while the vessel is at anchor or in port.

AIS gaps detection is essential to identify possible intentional disabling events, which can obscure illegal activities, such as unauthorized fishing activity or unauthorized transshipments [1][2].

Definition of gap

We create an AIS gap event when the period of time between consecutive AIS positions from a single vessel exceeds a configured threshold in hours. The start/end position messages of the gap are called OFF/ON messages, respectively.

When the period of time between last known position and the last time of the current day exceeds the threshold, we create an open gap event. In that case, the gap will not have an ON message, until it is closed in the future when new data arrives.

Input position messages are filtered by good_seg2 field of the segments table in order to remove noise. This denoising process happens in the segment pipeline.

Some results

These are some results for 2021-2023.

alt text

⚠️ Important note on grouping messages by ssvid

The gap detection pipeline fetches AIS position messages, filtering them by good_seg2, and groups them by ssvid. Since we know different vessels can broadcast with the same ssvid, this can potentially lead to the situation in which we have a gap with an OFF message from one vessel and a ON message from another vessel (or viceversa). This can happen because currently, the gap detection process just orders all the messages from the same ssvid by timestamp and then evaluates each pair of consecuive messages. In consequence, it will just pick the last OFF (or the first ON) message in the chain when constructing a gap, and we could have have "inconsistent" gaps in the sense we described above.

We believe those will be a very small amount of the total gaps, and we aim in the future to find a solution to this problem. One option could be to use e.g. vessel_id which has a much higher chance of separating messages from different vessels that broadcast under the same ssvid.

For analyses, this requires taking care when using gaps for ssvids that have multiple vessel_ids.

For usage in products, a choice has to be made of which of the (potentially) two vessel_ids to use or whether to attribute a gap to both vessel_ids (in which case there would have to be a distinction between OFF/ON message), and also on how to highlight that the gap might refer to multiple vessels.

⚠️ Important note on not filtering overlapping_and_short

Gaps are generated including AIS position messages that are inside overlapping_and_short segments. This was a deliberate choice because removing overlapping_and_short segments can create gaps where there actually shouldn’t be any. An analysis of gaps generated with messages from [2021, 2022, 2023] with and without the overlapping_and_short filter showed that the results are very similar on an aggregate.

However, within products and many of our analyses we remove:

  • segments that are overlapping_and_short, and
  • vessel_ids if all their segments are overlapping_and_short (by using product_vessel_info_summary).

This means that showing gaps on a map can lead to inconsistent results since the track or even the vessel might not exist where a gap starts and/or ends.



We still don't have a package in PYPI.

First, clone the repository.

Create virtual environment and activate it:

python -m venv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

make install

Make sure you can run unit tests

make test

Make sure you can build the docker image:

make build

In order to be able to connect to BigQuery, authenticate and configure the project:

make gcp

Gap detection low level process

The gap detection core process takes as input a list of AIS messages. Mandatory fields are:

  • ssvid
  • timestamp
  • lat
  • lon
  • receiver_type

Any other fields are not mandatory but can be passed to be included in the gap event.


Currently, the algorithm takes about (3.62 ± 0.03) seconds to process 10M messages.
Tested on a i7-1355U 5.0GHz processor. You can check the profiling results.

import json
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from pipe_gaps.core import GapDetector

messages = [
        "ssvid": "226013750",
        "msgid": "295fa26f-cee9-1d86-8d28-d5ed96c32835",
        "timestamp": datetime(2024, 1, 1, 0).timestamp(),
        "receiver_type": "terrestrial",
        "lat": 30.5,
        "lon": 50.6,
        "ssvid": "226013750",
        "msgid": "295fa26f-cee9-1d86-8d28-d5ed96c32835",
        "timestamp": datetime(2024, 1, 1, 1).timestamp(),
        "receiver_type": "terrestrial",
        "lat": 30.5,
        "lon": 50.6,

gd = GapDetector(threshold=timedelta(hours=0, minutes=50))
gaps = gd.detect(messages)
print(json.dumps(gaps, indent=4))

Gap detection pipeline

The gaps detection pipeline is described in the following diagram:

flowchart LR;
    subgraph tables [**BigQuery Tables**]

    subgraph inputs [**Inputs**]
        D[/**AIS** Messages/]
        E[/Open gaps/]

    F[Detect Gaps]

    subgraph outputs [**Outputs**]
        direction TB
    A ==> D
    B ==> D
    C ==> E

    D ==> F
    E ==> F

    F ==> outputs

    outputs ==> C

BigQuery output schema

The schema for the output gap events table is defined in pipe_gaps/pipeline/schemas/ais-gaps.json.

BigQuery data persistence pattern

When an open gap is closed, a new gap event is created. This means that we are using a persistence pattern that matches the slowly changing dimension type 2 (always add new rows). In consequence, the output table can contain two gap events with the same gap_id: the old open gap and the current closed active gap. The versioning of gaps is done with a timestamp field version with second precision.

To query all active gaps, you will just need to query the last versions for every gap_id.

For example,

    FROM (
              OVER (PARTITION BY gap_id)
              AS last_version,
      FROM `world-fishing-827.scratch_tomas_ttl30d.pipe_ais_gaps_filter_no_overlapping_and_short`
    WHERE version = last_version

Another alternative:

    FROM `world-fishing-827.scratch_tomas_ttl30d.pipe_ais_gaps_filter_no_overlapping_and_short`

Running from CLI

The easiest way of running the gaps detection pipeline is to use the provided command-line interface:

(.venv) $ pipe-gaps
usage: pipe-gaps [-h] [-c ] [-v] [--no-rich-logging] [--only-render] [--pipe-type ] [-i ] [-s ] [--bq-input-messages ] [--bq-input-segments ] [--bq-input-open-gaps ] [--bq-output-gaps ]
                 [--open-gaps-start-date ] [--filter-not-overlapping-and-short ] [--filter-good-seg ] [--skip-open-gaps] [--mock-db-client | --no-mock-db-client]
                 [--save-json | --no-save-json] [--work-dir ] [--ssvids ] [--date-range ] [--min-gap-length ] [--window-period-d ] [--eval-last | --no-eval-last] [--n-hours-before ]

    Detects time gaps in AIS position messages.
    The definition of a gap is configurable by a time threshold 'min-gap-length'.
    For more information, check the documentation at

    You can provide a configuration file or command-line arguments.
    The latter take precedence, so if you provide both, command-line arguments
    will overwrite options in the config file provided.

    Besides the arguments defined here, you can also pass any pipeline option
    defined for Apache Beam PipelineOptions class. For more information, see

  -h, --help                             show this help message and exit
  -c  , --config-file                    JSON file with pipeline configuration (default: None).
  -v, --verbose                          Set logger level to DEBUG.
  --no-rich-logging                      Disable rich logging (useful prof production environments).
  --only-render                          Only render command-line call equivalent to provided config file.

general pipeline configuration:
  --pipe-type                            Pipeline type: ['naive', 'beam'].
  -i  , --json-input-messages            JSON file with input messages [Useful for development].
  -s  , --json-input-open-gaps           JSON file with open gaps [Useful for development].
  --bq-input-messages                    BigQuery table with with input messages.
  --bq-input-segments                    BigQuery table with with input segments.
  --bq-input-open-gaps                   BigQuery table with open gaps.
  --bq-output-gaps                       BigQuery table in which to store the gap events.
  --open-gaps-start-date                 Fetch open gaps starting from this date range e.g., '2012-01-01'.
  --filter-not-overlapping-and-short     Fetch messages that do not belong to 'overlapping_and_short' segments.
  --filter-good-seg                      Fetch messages that belong to 'good_seg2' segments.
  --skip-open-gaps                       If passed, pipeline will not fetch open gaps [Useful for development]. 
  --mock-db-client, --no-mock-db-client  If passed, mocks the DB client [Useful for development].
  --save-json, --no-save-json            If passed, saves the results in JSON file [Useful for development].
  --work-dir                             Directory to use as working directory.
  --ssvids                               Detect gaps for this list of ssvids, e.g., «412331104,477334300».
  --date-range                           Detect gaps within this date range, e.g., «2024-01-01,2024-01-02».

gap detection process:
  --min-gap-length                       Minimum time difference (hours) to start considering gaps.
  --window-period-d                      Period (in days) of time windows used to parallelize the process.
  --eval-last, --no-eval-last            If passed, evaluates last message of each SSVID to create an open gap.
  --n-hours-before                       Count messages this amount of hours before each gap.

    pipe-gaps -c config/sample-from-file.json --min-gap-length 1.3


Note that the separator for words in parameters is hyphen - and not underscore _.


Date ranges are inclusive for the start date and exclusive for the end date.


The pipe-type can be "naive" (without parallelization, was useful for development) or "beam" (allows parallelization through Apache Beam & Google Dataflow).


Any option passed to the CLI not explicitly declared will not be parsed by the main CLI, and will be passed to the pipeline that will parse it internally. For example, you can pass any option available in the Apache Beam Pipeline Options. For those parameters, the convention is to use underscores instead of hyphens as words separator.

This is an example of a JSON config file:

    "bq_input_messages": "pipe_ais_v3_published.messages",
    "bq_input_segments": "pipe_ais_v3_published.segs_activity",
    "bq_input_open_gaps":  "pipe_ais_v3_published.product_events_ais_gaps",
    "bq_output_gaps": "scratch_tomas_ttl30d.pipe_ais_gaps",
    "open_gaps_start_date": "2023-12-31",
    "ssvids": [
    "date_range": [
    "min_gap_length": 6,
    "n_hours_before": 12,
    "window_period_d": 1,
    "pipeline_options": {
        "project": "world-fishing-827",
        "runner": "direct"


Inside pipeline_options you can put, for example, any Apache Beam Pipeline Options. In that case, be careful with flags. You should put the option name and not the flag name, e.g., put "use_public_ips": false instead of "no_use_public_ips": true, otherwise the parameter will be ignored. This is different from using it from the CLI, where you should pass --no_use_public_ips argument.

You can see more configuration examples here.

Implementation details

The pipeline is implemented over a (mostly) generic structure that supports:

  1. Grouping all main inputs by SSVID and optionally overlapping time intervals (TI) with arbitrary period. For example, you can group by time windows of size 31 days with period of 30 days, meaning that each time window will have an overlap of 1 day.
  2. Grouping side inputs by SSVID.
  3. Construct boundaries (first and last N AIS messages of each group) and group them by SSVID.
  4. Processing main inputs groups from 1.
  5. Processing boundaries from 4 together with side inputs from 2, both grouped by SSVID.

Below there is a diagram that describes this work flow.


In the case of the Apache Beam integration with Dataflow runner, the groups can be processed in parallel accross different workers.

Most relevant modules

Module Description Encapsulates AIS gaps query. Encapsulates AIS position messages query. Defines core pTransform that integrates to Apache Beam. Defines DetectGaps class (core processing step of the pipeline). Defines lower level GapDetector class that computes gaps in a list of AIS messages.

Flow chart

flowchart TD;
    A[Read Main Inputs] ==> |**AIS Messages**| B[Group Inputs]
    C[Read Side Inputs] ==> |**Open Gaps**| D[Group Side Inputs]

    subgraph **Detect Gaps**
    B ==> |**AIS Messages <br/> by SSVID & TI**| E[Process Groups]
    B ==> |**AIS Messages <br/> by SSVID & TI**| F[Process Boundaries]
    D ==> |**Open Gaps  <br/> by SSVID**| F
    E ==> |**Gaps inside groups**| H[Join Outputs]
    F ==> |**Gaps between groups <br/> New open gaps <br/> Closed open gaps**| H

    H ==> |**New closed gaps <br/> New open gaps <br/> Closed open gaps**| K[Write Outputs]


[1] Welch H., Clavelle T., White T. D., Cimino M. A., Van Osdel J., Hochberg T., et al. (2022). Hot spots of unseen fishing vessels. Sci. Adv. 8 (44), eabq2109. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq2109

[2] J. H. Ford, B. Bergseth, C. Wilcox, Chasing the fish oil—Do bunker vessels hold the key to fisheries crime networks? Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 267 (2018).


Time gap detector for AIS position messages.







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