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Virtual Customer Equipment


The following installation assumes a Centos7 machine. It also assumes that rabbitmq is installed and running. See here for RabbitMQ installation instructions.

New installations

Requires VCE, SIMP, TSDS, and Grafana.


  1. Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/grnoc-public.repo to install the GlobalNOC's Centos7 RPM repository.
    name=GlobalNOC Public el7 Packages - $basearch
  2. Update your local RPM cache: sudo yum makecache
  3. Install additional RPM repositories: sudo yum install globalnoc-grafana
  4. Install VCE: sudo yum install vce
  5. Ensure VCE Database is fully updated: sudo perl /usr/bin/vce-update-db
  6. Setup the web credentials of the VCE admin user: sudo htpasswd -c /usr/share/vce/www/.htpasswd admin
  7. Start VCE: sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server redis vce
  8. Configure your network devices' login credentials in: /etc/vce/password.json
      "hostname1": { "username": "username", "password": "password" },
      "hostname2": { "username": "username", "password": "password" },
  9. Navigate to http://hostname/vce/admin/switches.html and finish configuring your network devices.
  10. Restart VCE: sudo systemctl restart vce

Note: You'll need to restart vce whenever a new host is created.


SIMP is an SNMP poller which is used to collect network statistics from devices controlled by VCE.

  1. Ensure prerequiste SIMP components are running: sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server redis
  2. The SIMP packages were installed along with VCE. Complete configuration of these packages as described here.
  3. Ensure SIMP components are running: sudo systemctl restart simp-poller simp-data simp-comp simp-tsds


TSDS is a timeseries database which will persist collected statistics to disk. This databse may be used for any type of timeseries data. As the TSDS installation is somewhat complex, please be sure to follow the provided instructions carefully.

  1. Install the TSDS package: sudo yum install grnoc-tsds-services
  2. Begin configuration the TSDS installation using the following command: sudo /usr/bin/
  3. When asked for number of config servers and shards, enter: 1
  4. You will be asked to provide a password for the root mongodb user, enter any password: ...
  5. You will be asked to provide a password for the tsds_ro mongodb user, enter any password: ...
  6. You will be asked to provide a password for the tsds_rw mongodb user, enter any password: ...
  7. It will then initialize the mongo database with necessatry databases and collections. Please enter y when asked 'Are you sure?'
  8. Copy /etc/vce/httpd/conf.d/grnoc/tsds-services.conf to /etc/httpd/conf.d/grnoc/tsds-services.conf and overwrite.
  9. Restart httpd: sudo systemctl restart httpd


Grafana provides network statistic graphs.

  1. Grafana configuration: The grafana runs on localhost and need not be directly access by unauthorized user. So in order to make sure only vce users can access grafana, edit /etc/grafana/grafana.ini and perform below steps:

    • Note: Make sure below changes do not start with ';'

    • In [server], update the following:

      protocol = http
      root_url = http://localhost/grafana
    • In [auth.proxy], update the following:

      enabled = true
      header_name = X-WEBAUTH-USER
      header_property = username
      auto_sign_up = true
    • In [security], update the following

      allow_embedding = true
  2. Assuming the previous steps finished successfully, VCE, SIMP, TSDS, and Grafana are now installed. Restart all services to ensure everything is running as expected, and complete the final steps in this section.

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload;
    sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server;
    sudo systemctl restart redis;
    sudo systemctl restart vce;
    sudo systemctl restart httpd;
    sudo systemctl restart simp-data;
    sudo systemctl restart simp-comp;
    sudo systemctl restart simp-poller;
    sudo systemctl restart mongod-config1;
    sudo systemctl restart mongod-shard1;
    sudo systemctl restart mongos;
    sudo systemctl restart simp-tsds;
    sudo systemctl restart memcached;
    sudo systemctl restart searchd;
    sudo systemctl restart tsds_writer;
    sudo systemctl restart grafana-server;
  3. Using the web credentials of the VCE admin user, visit https://<hostname>/grafana/datasources/new and select the GlobalNOC TSDS datasource.

  4. When prompted for configuration set URL to http://<hostname>/tsds/services/

  5. Check Basic Auth

  6. Check Skip TLS Verify

  7. Under Basic Auth Details, enter the web credentials of the VCE admin user and click Save & Test.

  8. Click '+' on the left bar and select 'import' to import the dashboard with graph configurations.

  9. Copy and paste /etc/vce/grafana-dashboard.json or grafana-dashboard.json into the JSON textarea and click Load.

  10. At this point you should now see port statistics visualized under each port in VCE under the statistics tab.

Upgrading to a newer version

  1. Execute sudo systemctl stop httpd
  2. Execute sudo systemctl stop vce

Ensure that /etc/vce/access_policy.xml contains the following network_model tag. Verify the path is set to /var/lib/vce/database.sqlite. An example config can be found here.

<network_model path="/var/lib/vce/database.sqlite"/>
  1. Execute sudo yum install globalnoc-grafana
  2. Execute sudo yum install vce
  3. Execute sudo /bin/vce-update-db

NOTE: Make sure that you have gone through the SIMP, TSDS, and Grafana steps in the installation section. If yes, please proceed with step 3.

  1. Execute sudo systemctl restart vce
  2. Execute sudo systemctl restart httpd


Access Policy

VCE's configuration file is located at /etc/vce/access_policy.xml. This file is used to configure the following:

  • RabbitMQ credentials
<rabbit host="localhost" port="5672" user="guest" pass="guest" />

Final snapshot of access_policy.xml

  <rabbit host="localhost" port="5672" user="guest" pass="guest"/>
  <network_model path="/var/lib/vce/database.sqlite"/>

Validate configuration

To quickly verify that the configuration is valid use the vce-run-check command.

/usr/bin/vce-run-check --config /etc/vce/access_policy.xml

Frontend Assets

The frontend is installed to /usr/share/vce/www/. Below is an Apache configuration that may be used to host the frontend and the API.

Alias /vce/api /usr/share/vce/www/api
Alias /vce     /usr/share/vce/www/frontend

ProxyPass        /grafana http://localhost:3000
ProxyPassReverse /grafana http://localhost:3000
RequestHeader unset Authorization
<Location /grafana>

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName GrafanaAuthProxy
  AuthBasicProvider file
  AuthUserFile /usr/share/vce/www/.htpasswd
  Require valid-user

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule .* - [E=PROXY_USER:%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER},NS]
  RequestHeader set X-WEBAUTH-USER "%{PROXY_USER}e"
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

<Location /vce>
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "VCE"
  AuthUserFile /usr/share/vce/www/.htpasswd
  Require valid-user

  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  Options +ExecCGI
  DirectoryIndex index.html

<Location /vce/api>
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "VCE"
  AuthUserFile /usr/share/vce/www/.htpasswd
  Require valid-user

  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
  Options +ExecCGI


Users are managed via htpasswd file. Add them using the below command. Create the password file /usr/share/vce/www/.htpasswd and first user using the -c flag; If the file has already been created do not specify this flag. See the htpasswd documentation for more information.

htpasswd /usr/share/vce/www/.htpasswd user