In this assigment you need to implement a testing solution of your taste based on a preexisting micro application. Instructions on how to run the micro application can be found right below.
Charts are a central piece of our platform. My Charts
is a small app that allows you to view your existing charts. This micro application consists of a
- dummy server with a single endpoint and
- a 3-page web interface where the e2e testing should only take place on the first page
In order to be able to run the application locally you have to:
- Install node version < 16 (due to a bug on create-react-app)
- Clone git repository:
git clone
- Goto dir:
cd gwi-set-challenge
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start application:
npm run start
- This creates and runs a server on http://localhost:3001 and also
- a react application on http://localhost:3000 which proxies requests to the server above.
- After that the micro application can be found here: http://localhost:3000
Please provide E2E & API testing for the My Charts
app and endpoints.
Please provide Functional UI Test Suite using your automation framework of choice (preferable Cypress or Playwright).
Note that we have omitted a lot of details in this description on what kind of tests should be implemented and how. We hope you will fill these details in and prove to us that you are aware of industry best practices and that you also follow them. In your code, we would like to see your code structure, test design and test strategy.
The below endpoint is responsible for fetching the charts. How would you normally test it?
URL http://localhost:3000/api/charts
Method GET Param Values Description orderBy dateCreated Order results based on their creation date orderBy dateModified Order results based on their modified date orderBy name Order results based on their name order desc / asc Specify ascending or descending order Code Description 200 OK [{ name: string, created_at: timestamp, modified_at: timestamp}]
400 Client Error 404 Not Found 500 Server Error
Could you provide a workflow that builds and starts application run your existing test suites and informs with the results back to the end user. If not using Github Actions to implement the workflow, please describe the steps of an ideal CI/CD pipeline.
Feel free to ask questions if something is not clear, please give your best shot on this task!
Just a make a PR to the current repo! Good luck, potential colleague!