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OpenAppHack vm used to develop OpenAppHack Projects . This is where you start your OpenAppHack


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openapphack-vm (a.k.a your openapphack project when you fork it!!).

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This is the main repository for the openapphack project.

openapphack project is also used interchangable to refer to an openapphack-vm fork on which you are doing your openapphack vm customization.

To know more about the openapphack project please visit this wiki

How to take openapphack-vm for a spin :

You start by :

  • Fork openapphack-vm

  • Install ansible and execute

    sudo ansible-galaxy install -r ./provisioning/requirements.yml

    while in the openapphack-vm folder

  • Installing vagrant 1.8 +

  • Install nfs server on Ubuntu

  • Install few vagrant plugins

    a) auto_network

    vagrant  plugin install vagrant-auto_network

    b) hostsupdater

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
    There are some bugs identified in the current vagrant version 1.8.1 which is expected to be fixed on 1.8.2 .
    To overcome you can copy the **ansible** directory from the github link below 
    [Github mitchellh]( , Download or clone it 
    Then goto vagrant-master/plugins/provisioners/  copy the ansible directory and paste on vagrant path
    If you are using Ubunbtu host the path would be /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.1/plugins/provisioners/
    If its windows 8 host path would be Drive:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\gems\gems\vagrant-1.8.1\plugins\provisioners
- Run 
  vagrant up   ( GitBash.exe run as Administrator on Windows ) 

You should now have ansible start doing the basic provisioning for you.

- Run 
   vagrant provision

re-run vagrant provision command few more times, i.e if ansible throws up any messages that requires your attention and you successfully resolve them .

Make changes in the following files as required.

 -config.yml // top level configuration file

 -openapphack.generateapp.yml // has instructions to generate app

 -openapphack.installapp.yml  // has instructions to install app

 -openapphack.runapp.yml  // has instructions to run your app

Few more Levelup to get yeoman to start doing the automatic scaffolding for you on the openapphack-vm:

Level 1:

Install yeoman

npm install -g yo

Update the same as generator_instructions in openapphack.generateapp.yml


alternatively make use of the openapphack.nodejs ansible role and install global nodejs package by declaring the same in config.yml

i.e make the following change in config.yml

# `nodejs` must be in installed_extras for this to work.
nodejs_version: "4.2"
  - name: yo
  - name: bower
  - name: grunt-cli

Level 2:

Install your specific generators or pick up one of the available published yeoman generators and customize it to work with openapphack-vm.

( this can be any one of the generators from the list of generators mentioned in openapphack-yeoman-generators repo e.g. npm install -g generator-patternlab)

npm install -g generator-{give-your-generator-name} 

Update the same as generator_instructions in openapphack.generateapp.yml or

Write your ansible role to do the same.

Level 3:

Log on to the vm as

user : vagrant password : vagrant

navigate to /var/www/path_to_your_app

Type $ yo {your-generator-name} and answer a few questions about your project.

When it's done, type $ grunt

to generate your first build…


$ grunt watch

to start the watcher.

Now you should have your fully scaffolded site!

You can also use gulp or another build tool depending on the technology context

You will have to install the neccessary ansible role and notify the same with a pull request to openapphack-ansible-roles repo

Level 4 :

Automate all you did in level 3 :)

.. All the best..

Level 5

When everything works for you.. submit a pull request to openapphack-vm repo using the pullrequest template and details of your openapphack-vm fork.

After your openapphack-vm is validated please find your fork added to submitted openapphack projects.

if you are facing any challenge with getting started with the openapphack-vm please refer to the issues


OpenAppHack vm used to develop OpenAppHack Projects . This is where you start your OpenAppHack







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