This is an academic project to simulate a video authentication framework. The framework has the goal of establishing non-repudiation, integrity and authentication for videos automatically on modern camera devices. #Installation of the App Until the App is published in Google Play, it can be compiled and tested using Android Studio and an Android Emulator in the studio or an actual Android device with the Google USB Driver. #Installation of the Server
The server can optionally be installed, instead of using the provided demo server.
Checkout the repository with "git clone".
Create your own MySQL database instance, create a database and import the MySQL database with vap.sql. One easy local MySQL server to use is available on XAMPP, which comes with Apache and phpMyAdmin.
Configure datasources.json with your MySQL database, host, username and password information.
Configure the "host" name, port and URL in config.json.
Install npm and nodeJS. Run the command npm install
To have the app compile and point to a local server, uncomment the REST URL in . Comment out the other URL line.
To start the HTTP server, navigate to the server folder and execute "node amazonec2_http\_server.js". Alternatively, if an authentic SSL certificate is available, the HTTPS server may be used "node server.js".
#Known Issues
HTTPS and self-signed certificates - Do not use HTTPS and server.js, unless a valid, not a self-signed, certificate is available.
Google Drive not supported - Google Drive appears as an option to select files within the app. It is not supported by ACTION_GET_CONTENT, so it will not work correctly. The normal FileManager works.
This project is being developed by Alex X. Galloway as part of his Master's degree at Sam Houston State University.
A video demo is available on YouTube.
The project is generated by LoopBack.