HealthCheck::Diagnostic::DBHPing - Ping a database handle to check its health
version v1.2.5
my $health_check = HealthCheck->new( checks => [
HealthCheck::Diagnostic::DBHPing->new( dbh => \&connect_to_db )
] );
my $result = $health_check->check;
$result->{status}; # OK on a successful ping or CRITICAL otherwise
Determines if the database connection is available.
Sets the status
to "OK" or "CRITICAL" based on the
return value from dbh->ping
Those inherited from "ATTRIBUTES" in HealthCheck::Diagnostic plus:
A coderef that returns a DBI database handle object or optionally the handle itself.
Can be passed either to new
or check
Grant Street Group [email protected]
This software is Copyright (c) 2018 - 2023 by Grant Street Group.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)