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GrapheneCt authored Jan 16, 2020
1 parent f261717 commit fb95945
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Showing 6 changed files with 521 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME "Generic")
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "arm-vita-eabi-gcc")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "arm-vita-eabi-g++")


set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wl,-q -O3 -std=c99")



add_custom_target(${PROJECT_NAME}.vpk ALL
COMMAND vita-elf-create ${PROJECT_NAME}.elf ${PROJECT_NAME}.velf
COMMAND vita-make-fself ${PROJECT_NAME}.velf eboot.bin
COMMAND vita-mksfoex -s TITLE_ID=CPUAFFCTR -d ATTRIBUTE=32768 "${PROJECT_NAME}" param.sfo
COMMAND vita-pack-vpk -s param.sfo -b eboot.bin ${PROJECT_NAME}.vpk
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}.vpk ${PROJECT_NAME}.elf)
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions src/ctrl.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vitasdk.h>

get_key (int type)

SceCtrlData pad;

if (type == 0)

while (1)
//memset(&pad, 0, sizeof(pad));
sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive (0, &pad, 1);

if (pad.buttons != 0)
return pad.buttons;

sceKernelDelayThread (1000); // 1ms


while (1)

//memset(&pad, 0, sizeof(pad));
sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive (0, &pad, 1);
if (pad.buttons == 0)



sceKernelDelayThread (1000); // 1ms



return 0;

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/ctrl.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
int get_key(int type);
void press_exit(void);
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions src/debugScreen.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

typedef struct PsvDebugScreenFont {
unsigned char* glyphs, width, height, first, last, size_w, size_h;
} PsvDebugScreenFont;

#include "debugScreenFont.c"

#define SCREEN_WIDTH (960)
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT (544)
#define SCREEN_FB_WIDTH (960)
#define SCREEN_FB_SIZE (2 * 1024 * 1024) //Must be 256KB aligned
#ifndef SCREEN_TAB_SIZE /* this allow easy overriding */
#define SCREEN_TAB_SIZE (8)
#define SCREEN_TAB_W ((F.size_w) * SCREEN_TAB_SIZE)
#define F psvDebugScreenFont

#define FROM_GREY(c ) ((((c)*9) <<16) | (((c)*9) <<8) | ((c)*9))
#define FROM_3BIT(c,dark) (((!!((c)&4))<<23) | ((!!((c)&2))<<15) | ((!!((c)&1))<<7) | (dark ? 0 : 0x7F7F7F))
#define FROM_6BIT(c ) ((((c)%6)*(51<<16)) | ((((c)/6)%6)*(51<<8)) | ((((c)/36)%6)*51))
#define FROM_FULL(r,g,b ) ((r<<16) | (g<<8) | (b))
#define CLEARSCRN(H,toH,W,toW) for(int h = H; h < toH; h++)for(int w = W; w < toW; w++)((uint32_t*)base)[h*SCREEN_FB_WIDTH + w] = colorBg;

static int mutex, coordX, savedX, coordY, savedY;
static uint32_t defaultFg = 0xFFFFFFFF, colorFg = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static uint32_t defaultBg = 0xFF000000, colorBg = 0xFF000000;

#ifdef __vita__
#include <psp2/display.h>
#include <psp2/kernel/sysmem.h>
#include <psp2/kernel/threadmgr.h>
static void* base; // pointer to frame buffer
#define sceKernelLockMutex(m,v,x) m=v
#define sceKernelUnlockMutex(m,v) m=v
static char base[SCREEN_FB_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT * 4];

static size_t psvDebugScreenEscape(const unsigned char *str) {
for(unsigned i = 0, argc = 0, arg[32] = {0}; argc < (sizeof(arg)/sizeof(*arg)) && str[i]!='\0'; i++)
switch(str[i]) {
case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':
arg[argc]=(arg[argc]*10) + (str[i] - '0');continue;
case ';': argc++;continue;
case 's': savedX = coordX; savedY = coordY; return i;
case 'u': coordX = savedX; coordY = savedY; return i;
case 'A': coordY -= arg[0] * (F.size_h); return i;
case 'B': coordY += arg[0] * (F.size_h); return i;
case 'C': coordX += arg[0] * (F.size_w); return i;
case 'D': coordX -= arg[0] * (F.size_w); return i;
case 'E': coordY += arg[0] * (F.size_h); coordX = 0; return i;
case 'F': coordY -= arg[0] * (F.size_h); coordX = 0; return i;
case 'G': coordX = (arg[0]-1) * (F.size_w); return i;
case 'H':
case 'f': coordY = (arg[0]-1) * (F.size_h);
coordX = (arg[1]-1) * (F.size_w); return i;
case 'J': //clear part of (J=screen, K=Line) so J code reuse part of K
case 'K': if(arg[0]==0)CLEARSCRN(coordY, coordY + F.size_h, coordX, SCREEN_WIDTH);//from curosr to end
if(arg[0]==1)CLEARSCRN(coordY, coordY + F.size_h, 0, coordX);//from begining to cursor
if(arg[0]==2)CLEARSCRN(coordY, coordY + F.size_h, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH);//whole line
if(str[i]=='K')return i;
if(arg[0]==1)CLEARSCRN(0, coordY, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH);
return i;
case 'm':// Color
if(!arg[0]) {arg[0] = 39;arg[1] = 49;argc = 1;}//no/0 args == reset BG + FG
for(unsigned c = 0; c <= argc; c++) {
uint32_t unit = arg[c] % 10, mode = arg[c] / 10, *color = mode&1 ? &colorFg : &colorBg;
if (arg[c]==1)colorFg|=0x808080;
if (arg[c]==2)colorFg&=0x7F7F7F;
if (mode!=3 && mode!=4 && mode!=9 && mode!=10)continue;//skip unsported modes
if (unit == 9){ // reset FG or BG
*color = mode&1 ? defaultFg : defaultBg;
} else if ((unit==8) && (arg[c+1]==5)) { // 8bit : [0-15][16-231][232-256] color map
c+=2;*color = arg[c]<=15?FROM_3BIT(arg[c],mode<9):arg[c]>=232?FROM_GREY(arg[c]-232):FROM_6BIT(arg[c]-16);
} else if ((unit==8) && (arg[c+1]==2)) { // 24b color space
*color = FROM_FULL(arg[c+4], arg[c+3], arg[c+2]);c+=4;
} else *color = FROM_3BIT(unit,mode<9); // standard 8+8 colors
return i;
return 0;
int psvDebugScreenInit() {
mutex = sceKernelCreateMutex("log_mutex", 0, 0, NULL);
SceUID displayblock = sceKernelAllocMemBlock("display", SCE_KERNEL_MEMBLOCK_TYPE_USER_RW_UNCACHE, SCREEN_FB_SIZE, NULL); //CDRAM and PHYCONT cannot be used
sceKernelGetMemBlockBase(displayblock, (void**)&base);
SceDisplayFrameBuf frame = { sizeof(frame), base, SCREEN_FB_WIDTH, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT};
//reset X/Y
coordX = 0;
coordY = 0;
return sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(&frame, SCE_DISPLAY_SETBUF_NEXTFRAME);

int psvDebugScreenPuts(const char * _text) {
const unsigned char*text = (const unsigned char*)_text;
int bytes_per_glyph = (F.width * F.height) / 8;
sceKernelLockMutex(mutex, 1, NULL);
int c;
for (c = 0; text[c] ; c++) {
unsigned char t = text[c];
if (t == '\t') {
coordX += SCREEN_TAB_W - coordX % SCREEN_TAB_W;
if (coordX + F.width > SCREEN_WIDTH) {
coordY += F.size_h;
coordX = 0;
if (coordY + F.height > SCREEN_HEIGHT) {
coordX = coordY = 0;
if (t == '\n') {
coordX = 0;
coordY += F.size_h;
} else if (t == '\r') {
coordX = 0;
} else if ((t == '\e') && (text[c+1] == '[')) {
c += psvDebugScreenEscape(text + c + 2) + 2;
if(coordX < 0)coordX = 0;// CSI position are 1-based,
if(coordY < 0)coordY = 0;// prevent 0-based coordiate from producing a negativ X/Y
}else if ((t > F.last) || (t < F.first))
continue; // skip non printable glyph
uint32_t *vram = ((uint32_t*)base) + coordX + coordY * SCREEN_FB_WIDTH;
uint8_t *font = &F.glyphs[ (t - F.first) * bytes_per_glyph];
for (int row = 0, mask = 1 << 7; row < F.height; row++, vram += SCREEN_FB_WIDTH) {
for (uint32_t *pixel = vram, col = 0; col < F.width ; col++, mask>>=1) {
if (!mask) {font++; mask = 1 << 7;}// no more mask : we exausted this byte
*pixel++ = (*font&mask)?colorFg:colorBg;
for (uint32_t *pixel = vram + F.width, col = F.width; col < F.size_w ; col++)
*pixel++ = colorBg;// right margin
for (int row = F.height; row < F.size_h; row++, vram += SCREEN_FB_WIDTH)
for (uint32_t *pixel = vram, col = 0; col < F.size_w ; col++)
*pixel++ = colorBg;// bottom margin
coordX += F.size_w;
sceKernelUnlockMutex(mutex, 1);
return c;

__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)))
int psvDebugScreenPrintf(const char *format, ...) {
char buf[4096];

va_list opt;
va_start(opt, format);
int ret = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, opt);

return ret;

void psvDebugScreenSetFgColor(uint32_t rgb){
psvDebugScreenPrintf("\e[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum", (rgb>>16)&0xFF, (rgb>>8)&0xFF, rgb&0xFF);
void psvDebugScreenSetBgColor(uint32_t rgb){
psvDebugScreenPrintf("\e[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum", (rgb>>16)&0xFF, (rgb>>8)&0xFF, rgb&0xFF);
#undef F

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