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An attractive accordion legend for Leaflet. Features include:

  • Checkboxes to toggle layer visibility
  • Expanding and collapsing sections for grouping the layers
  • Opacity sliders


Download the release and unpack it, or install it via package manager:

  • npm i leaflet-control-accordionlegend

Include the CSS and JS files using tags as usual:

<script type="text/javascript" src="leaflet-control-accordionlegend/L.Control.AccordionLegend.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="leaflet-control-accordionlegend/L.Control.AccordionLegend.css" />

Or require them:


Basic Usage

The content parameter is a structure for the legend. This consists of a list of "sections" and within each section a list of "layers" This is best illustrated with an example.

            title: "Base Maps",
            layers: [
                    'title': "OSM Basemap",
                    'layer': L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {}),
                    'legend': [
                        { 'type':'line', 'color':'#e99dae', 'text':"Interstate Highway" },
                        { 'type':'line', 'color':'#f2baa8', 'text':"State Highway" },
                        { 'type':'line', 'color':'#e1c6db', 'text':"State Boundary" },
                        { 'type':'square', 'color':'#bdd3d3', 'text':"Water" },
                // add more layer objects to this section
        // add more sections, with a 'section' title and a list of layers:[]
            title: "Second Section",
            layers: [ ... add layers to this accordion section ... ]
        // to make a section with no title and expand/collapse behavior, add directory: false and skip the title
        // this is particularly useful for legends with only one section
            directory: false,
            layers: [
                        'title': 'Boundary',
                        'layer': vectorLayer,
                        'legend': [{ 'type':'square', 'color':'#bdd3d3', 'text':'' }],
                        'opacity': 0.1
                // ... more layers

    new L.Control.AccordionLegend({
        content: LAYERS_AND_LEGENDS,

A more formal description is as follows:

  • The structure consists of a list of Section objects. These will be drawn in the sequence given.
  • Each Section consists of the following:
    • A title attribute, this being the title of the section. This is used as an internal reference and therefore must be unique among Sections.
    • A layers attribute, this being a list of Layer objects.
    • A directory attribute, this being a boolean value. If false (the only meaningful value) then the section will not have a title nor expand/collapse behavior. This is particularly useful for legends with only one section.
  • Each Layer object is structured as follows:
    • A title attribute, which is the title displayed in the legend. This is used as an internal reference and therefore must be unique among other Layers.
    • A layer attribute, which is the L.TileLayer instance to be managed by this legend entry.
    • An opacityslider attribute, which can be set to false if you do not want the layer to get an opacity slider. The default is true.
    • An opacity attribute, which sets the initial opacity. It is recommended to use this instead of setting the opacity option in the L.tileLayer, as this will also work for vector layers e.g. Path, Polygon, etc.
    • A legend attribute, this being the list of Legend objects to be displayed for this layer.
  • The list of Legend objects, are as follows:
    • A type attribute, which affects the legend swatch generated.
      • square -- The legend swatch will be a square.
      • circle -- The legend swatch will be a circle.
      • line -- The legend swatch will be a line.
      • image -- The legend swatch will be an image. The image will be sized to 1em X 1em, so should be about that size (15px or so) in order to look good.
    • A color attribute, this being the color of the swatch for this classification. This is only effective for square, line, and circle types.
    • A url attribute, this being the URL of the image. This is only effective for image types.
    • A text attribute, this being the text to display for this classification.
    • The Legend may be an empty list, in order to generate no visible legend.

Inline Legends (Single Swatch Next to Checkbox)

If a Layer has only one Legend entry, and this entry has an empty text attribute, then the legend will be treated differently.

Instead of creating a collapsing legend section underneath the opacity slider, containing one swatch and no text, it will create a smaller "inline" legend, a single swatch between the checkbox and the layer title.


    // one legend classification with no text
    // the red circle will appear next to the checkbox for a more compact layout
        'title': "Sample Stations",
        'layer': L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {}),
        'legend': [
            { 'type':'circle', 'color':'#FF0000', 'text':"" },

If you really do want your single unlabeled swatch to appear in a section beneath the opacity slider, simply make the text attribute not blank, e.g. one single space.

Other Methods and Tricks


Toggle the specified layer to the specified on/off status.


Adjust the opacity of the specified layer. Opacity values are from 0.0 to 1.0 per standard Leaflet behavior.


Collapse the control, hiding the panel of sections and layers.


Expand the control, showing the panel of sections and layers. As a convenience, you may optionally specify the title of a Section and this will call expandSection(sectiontitle) for you.


Calls either expandUI() or collapseUI() to show/hide the panel.


Within the panel, expand the given section to show its layers. Since only one sections stays open at a time, this would implicitly close other sections.


Within the panel, collapse the given section.


Within the panel, expand the given section (f it's collapsed) or collapse the given section (if it's expanded).


Returns an object keyed by layertitle with values being that layer's opacity. This would be used to "peek" at the opacity and on/off state of all layers, in case you wanted to construct some additional control or usage. An example would be some external need to loop over all visible layers, or to construct a list of layers-and-opacity pairings for serializing the map state.