To use, edit the included build/
so it creates a database, user and password to your needs. A future update will let you define which host/ip to use when creating the user permissions.
Then, build the Docker container:
# cd into the git repository
cd /path/to/repo/docker-mysql
docker build -t mysql . # Build a Docker image named "mysql" from this location "."
# wait for it to build...
# Run the docker container
docker run -p 3306:3306 -name mysql -d mysql /sbin/my_init --enable-insecure-key # Give container a name in case it's linked to another app container
docker run
- starts a new docker container-
-p 3306:3306
- Binds the local port 3306 to the container's port 3306, so a local.
-d mysql
- Use the image tagged "mysql"
- Run the init scripts used to kick off long-running processes and other bootstrapping, as per phusion/baseimage-docker
- Enable a generated SSL key so you can SSH into the container, again as per phusion/baseimage-docker. Generate your own SSH key for production use.
- If you use this with fideloper/docker-nginx-php, then naming this container via
-name mysql
will allow you to link it with the web-app.
- If you use this with fideloper/docker-nginx-php, then naming this container via