This application is designed to streamline the interaction between coconut suppliers and Jayasinghe Oil Mills (JOM). Suppliers play a crucial role in the coconut oil manufacturing process, and this app aims to enhance their experience and efficiency in working with JOM.
Registration and Profile Management: Suppliers can easily register their profiles.
Harvest Pickup Requests: Suppliers can request JOM to collect their coconut harvests conveniently through the app.
Chat Functionality: Suppliers can engage in discussions with JOM regarding feasible times for harvest pickup, powered by web sockets.
Reports: Access to view and download previous supply records.
Real-time Verification: Verify coconut amounts updated by collectors and decline incorrect entries if necessary, powered by web sockets.
Kotlin: Connecting mobile frontend to Java backend and creating dynamic XML pages.
Google Maps API: Integrating location services for efficient coordination.
WebSockets: Enabling real-time bidirectional communication between clients and servers.
app: Main source code for the application.
build: Generated by the Gradle build system, contains compiled code and resources.
java: Java source code for the application.
manifests: AndroidManifest.xml file defining metadata for the application.
res: Resources for the application (images, layouts, strings).
- drawable: Image resources.
- font: Custom fonts.
- layout: XML layouts defining screen structure.
- menu: Navigation menu XML files.
- mipmap-anydpi-v26: Launcher icons for Android Pie (API 28) and above.
- mipmap-hdpi, mipmap-mdpi, etc.: Launcher icons optimized for different screen resolutions.
- values: XML files defining app-wide settings and resources.
- styles.xml: Styles for text, buttons, and layouts.
- colors.xml: Color palettes used throughout the app.
- strings.xml: Strings used throughout the app.
build.gradle: Main build file for the application.
- Project-specific properties for Gradle.
.gitignore: Specifies files ignored by Git.
- Local properties not to be committed to Git.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.