A simple project, which uses Ultrasonic Sensor and 10 LEDs to approximate the distance between sensor and object. With the help of Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04, we firstly get the distance. Then based on this distance, we switch ON/OFF the LEDs as required.
- Arduino UNO
- LEDs - 3 Red, 3 Green and 4 White
- Resistors - 300ohm, but anything works as long as LEDs work
- Jumper Wires
- Breadboard
- Soldering Machine (Optional)
- Solder PCB (optional)
A pretty easy and simple project, good for beginners. Doesn't require any display. Make sure to check code and tinker with it to find something new.
Just a beginning in the field of arduino and hardware projects. Looking forward for some contributions from anyone as well as myself.