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Directory Structure

  • app: the flask app
  • db: database relative files
  • diagrams: project diagram files
  • env: vagrant environment files
  • mockups: UI mockups and models (.psd files are to big too be shared)
  • presentations: presentation files

Installing the environment

Make sure you have a fast internet connection, you will be downloading something around 800Mb.


Now you can access your server at the adress:


The MySQL server is available at localhost:3306

######Some useful vagrant commands:

  • vagrant up: lauches the virtual machine
  • vagrant ssh: connects to the virtual machine through ssh
  • vagrant reload: reloads the virtual machine
  • vagrant halt: stops the virtual machine
  • vagrant destroy: destroys the virtual machine

If you need to install something new to the virtual machine don't do it directly via ssh. Add the necessary commands to the vagrant/ file, destroy the VM and install it again. This way you can commit and share the exact same environment with everyone else.

Pushing & Branch rules

If you have something working, that you can show, even if it is not finished and every other changes from the others are well integrated with yours, you can push it into "master". When everybody agreed on the changes we can push it into "final". At the end, we can push it in "prod"

When you are working and testing, use your OWN branch !

A little reminder

To create a branch : git checkout -b NomDeLaNouvelleBranch
To switch to another branch : git checkout LaBranche

To merge a branch into another :

git checkout laBranchDansLaquelleOnVeutMerger
git merge laBrancheAMerger

##Have fun :)


Flask website for a social/sport project at INSA Lyon.






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